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User identifying

To track stats on authorized users, the app owner should choose a way to identify users and configure the transfer of identifiers to MyTracker.

Choosing user ID

The user identifier can be the same ID as in the app backend or your CRM system.

MyTracker provides the privacy and security of your users' personal data. We recommend that user ID should not contain the directly identifiable personal information: user's telephone number, email address, social security number, etc.

See our recommendations for choosing the user identifier:

  • User ID should remain unchanged throughout the project. For example, if an ID is an email, you should not write it as a string on one platform and as an email hash on the other. In this case, some of the benefits will be lost and MyTracker will be unable to link user activities on different platforms.
  • User ID are fixed forever. Do not choose a user ID that might change, for example, do not set email, because the user can change the email address.
  • User ID is case-sensitive. If you set a user ID in a different case, MyTracker will track two separate stats for the same user.

An identifier is unique for each individual project. MyTracker builds a separate client base for each project, so it will identify the same IDs in different projects as different users, even if the ID is the user's personal email or phone.

Use a single project to build a common user base across multiple apps. Or add apps in different projects to separate audiences, for example, in order to run specific ad campaigns.

Sending user ID to MyTracker

The sooner MyTracker receives the ID, the more complete the picture of the user's activity will be: the first payment, first custom event, etc.

Transfer the user identifier with each event on the device. For information on how to set up data transfer in MyTracker, see the documentation on the platforms:

If you send events via S2S API, pass customUserId with all known device identifiers so MyTracker can attribute the traffic source. For details, refer to the S2S API section.

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