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Fraud metrics

Fraud metrics in MyTracker are divided into two groups: for mobile and web traffic.

Fraud metrics are available under the Basic or Premium plan the next day after the user has installed an app or visited your website. See the most accurate data on the third day.

Web traffic metrics

Fraud sessions WEB. The number of sessions that are more likely to be fraud. This is the baseline metric for web traffic, which includes the rest of the fraud metrics:

  • Multiple engagement WEB Premium plan
  • Suspicious devices WEB Premium plan
  • Malicious IP addresses WEB Premium plan
  • Opening in background WEB Premium plan
  • Fake data WEB Premium plan

A detailed description of these metrics is given in the Selectors section

Mobile traffic metrics

For mobile traffic, there is a group of combined metrics that allow you estimate indicators in general and, if necessary, proceed to the analysis of specific metrics.

  • Strict Fraud Metric
  • Confident Fraud Metric
  • Soft Fraud Metric
  • Bots and Device Farms Premium plan

The type of combined metrics depends on the detected fraud indicators: Strict fraud is devices with precise fraud indicators, for example, Suspicious Devices, while Confident and Soft fraud will get more devices, including those metrics that do not always guarantee 100% frauds.

A detailed description of these metrics is given in the Selectors section

Hardware fraud

Metrics, that allow you to detect fraud from the hardware properties:

  • by knowingly incorrect data about the device or abnormal behavior, for example, when the Android application is installed on the iOS platform;
  • by frequent changes of the launch country or region, by constant reset of key parameters, etc.
  • Root/Jailbreak devices
  • Suspicious devices Premium plan
  • Emulated devices Premium plan
  • Hardware sensors Premium plan
  • Malicious IP Addresses Premium plan

Click fraud

Metrics that indicate fraud in the stage of user interaction with ads and until the app install. Based on the abnormal arrangement of clicks and impressions, we can conclude that we are dealing with a fraudulent device, or that the advertising partner is trying to cheat.

Click metrics are strongly intercorrelated, and abnormal indicators for one of the metrics lead to aggravation of the others.

  • Stacking clicks
  • Low CR
  • Quick installs Premium plan
  • Attribution fraud Premium plan
  • Long Time to Install fraud Premium plan

In-app fraud

Metrics that allow you to recognize a fraud by user behavior after installs: based on the use of a fake account or abnormal behavior at launches, purchases, and other in-app events.

  • Post-install fraud Premium plan
  • Fake data Premium plan
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