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Date hour

Report data will be detailed up to one hour (with date considered).

For Flow metrics this is a date/hour when event occurred
For lifetime (LT) metrics this is a date/hour of new device (d) or new user (u) appearance


Sets aggregation period equal to one day.

For Flow metrics this is a date when event occurred
For lifetime (LT) metrics this is a date of new device (d) or new user (u) appearance


Precise to the calendar week, date. If you need stats to be detailed for a week, you can activate present selector and disable all others related to dates

To build a report regardless of the calendar week (Mo-Su), use the 30-day period dimension.

For Flow metrics this is a week when event occurred
For lifetime (LT) metrics this is a week when new device or new user appeared


Precise to the month and year, date. Sets aggregation period equal to one calendar month. If you need stats to be detailed for a month, you can activate present selector and disable all others related to dates.

To build a report regardless of the calendar month (Jan-Dec), use the 30-day period dimension.

For Flow metrics this is a month when event occurred
For lifetime (LT) metrics this is a month when new device or new user appeared


Precise to the quarter number, date. If stats needs to be detailed by quarters, it's reasonable to activate current selector and disable all other selectors related to dates.

For Flow metrics this is a quarter when event occurred
For lifetime (LT) metrics this is a quarter when new device or new user appeared


Precise to the year, date. If you need stats to be detailed for a year, you can activate present selector and disable all others related to dates.

For Flow metrics this is a year when event occurred
For lifetime (LT) metrics this is a year when new device or new user appeared


Days of the week for which the stats is shown for. The stats would be detailed by days of the week. Current selector is useful for when you need data for days of the week and can be used to compare the spread of data across different months.

For Flow metrics this is a week day when event occurred
For lifetime (LT) metrics this is a week day when new device or new user appeared


Report data will be detailed up to the time in the hh:mm format (date NOT considered).

For Flow metrics this is a time when event occurred
For lifetime (LT) metrics this is a time of new device (d) or new user (u) appearance


Report data will be detailed up to one hour of day (date NOT considered).

For Flow metrics this is an hour when event occurred
For lifetime (LT) metrics this is an hour of new device (d) or new user (u) appearance

Report period

The specified report period. The selector is useful when you build a report for several periods. If you need stats to be detailed for a period, you can activate selector and, for example, compare data for different time frames.

For Flow metrics this is a report period when event occurred
For lifetime (LT) metrics this is a report period when new device or new user appeared

Date period

Period of 7 or 30 days. The stats would be detailed for fixed length intervals counted from the last date of the report period.

Unlike Week and Month selectors, 7-day and 30-day periods have always constant length and do not associate calendar periods. So you can exclude errors with different number of days in a month (28-31) or lack of data on the coming days when you calculate in the middle of the current Week/Month.

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