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Using calculated metrics

Calculated metrics are available in the following locations:

  • Report builder: add your own calculated metrics to the reports. You can select metrics from the list or find them with the Search button.
  • Templates: add your own calculated metrics to regular report templates. You can also subscribe to templates to receive reports by email.
  • Export API: use the API to upload calculated metrics without using the web interface. You can find the list of selectors by the first letters of rcm in the Report Selectors dictionary.

For more details, refer to Builder, Templates, and Export API sections

Use cases

Let's consider some examples of calculated metrics.

Number of returning users

The standard Retention metric shows the percentage of returning users. To see the metric in numeric terms, you can multiply the Retention metric by the number of new audiences.

Title: RET 7d (number)

Formula: RET 7d * New devices

Result format: Number

Total row: Sum

The seventh day is taken as an example. You can add several metrics for different days or select the more relevant day for your project.

Cost per return

To know the cost per user return, you can divide the campaign cost by the number of returning users.

Title: CPA RET 7d

Formula: Campaign cost / (RET 7d * New devices)

Result format: Currency

Total row: Average

The seventh day is taken as an example. You can add several metrics for different days or select the more relevant day for your project.

Customer acquisition cost

To know the cost per paying user, you can divide Campaign cost by the number of devices from which the first payment was made on the first day (FPE 1d).

Title: CAC FPE 1d

Formula: Campaign cost / FPE 1d

Result format: Currency

Total row: Average

The first day is taken as an example. You can add several metrics for different periods or select the more relevant period for your project.

Paying conversion

To know the share of the audience who pays on the first day after the app installation or the first website visit, you can divide the number of devices that made a payment on the first day by the total number of new devices and multiply by 100%.

Title: CR FPE 1d, %

Formula: FPE 1d / New devices

Result format: Percentage

Total row: Average

The first day is taken as an example. You can add several metrics for different periods or select the more relevant period for your project.

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