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SKAdNetwork reports

MyTracker provides particular metrics and dimensions for analyzing SKAdNetwork data. The thing is, SKAN data does not contain information about the device, user, or time of attribution. Therefore, it cannot be linked in any way to MyTracker stats for standard ad campaigns, stats by users or devices.

To monitor easy and quickly incoming SKAdNetwork data, use Reports. If you need more accurate and detailed report, go to the Builder.

Note that to keep user data private, Apple sends postbacks with some delay (at least 24 hours).

Monitor SKAdNetwork data using Reports

  1. Open the SKAdNetwork report.
  2. Select the iOS app to monitor SKAdNetwork data.
  3. Select the SKAN conversion type and click Add filter to select other filters.
  4. MyTracker displays data in the following charts:
    • SKAN Conversion Dynamics displays data on impressions, clicks, and SKAN conversions;
    • SKAN by Sources displays impressions, clicks, SKAN conversions, and the total conversion value by ad partners;
    • SKAN by Geo displays impressions, clicks, SKAN conversions, and the total conversion value grouped by countries;
    • SKAN Conversions Dynamics by Sources displays the number of new SKAN conversions by ad partners;
    • Total Conversion Value displays data on SKAN conversions and the total conversion value;
    • SKAN by Value displays SKAN conversions by value;
    • Postback copies displays the number of SKAN postbacks received from partners and the number of postback copies received from Apple.

For each graph, you can configure the view of information display, date range by hours/days/weeks/months, and other special parameters.

You can download each graph the XLSX, PDF, PNG or SVG by clicking . If you want to analyse fraud in details, click to go to the Builder.

Analyze SKAdNetwork data with the Builder

  1. Open the Builder or build a report using the Template.
  2. Select the report period.
  3. Add the selectors that are required to analyze SKAdNetwork data. You can add selectors via the Dimensions → SKAdNetwork and Devices → SKAdNetwork sections.
  4. Click Calculate.

SKAdNetwork selectors

Review some dimensions and metrics in details.

For a full list of SKAdNetwork selectors, see the Analytics section.

SKAN conversion

SKAN conversions are the total number of conversions attributed to ad networks according to the SKAdNetwork.

MyTracker can collect data from integrated SKAN partners and directly from Apple. This metric shows the number of conversions based on all collected data, excluding duplicates.

SKAN conversions can be viewed in dimensions:

  • Date
  • Partner
  • Campaign
  • Country (is not available for SRN systems)
  • SKAdNetwork dimensions: Conversion value, SKAN version, SKAN conversion type, SKAN source app, SKAN format

Note that SKAN conversions are not the complete analog of installs, because, for example, they can denote re-install. You can distinguish the first install from the re-install using the SKAN conversion type dimension.

SKAN conversion type

SKAN conversions can indicate both the first and re-install. You can use the SKAN conversion type dimension to distinguish the new audience (first conversions) from re-engaged users (redownloads).

Also you can use the SKAN redownloads metric to see the number of redownload conversions.

Conversion value

Conversion Value (CV) is a number between 0 and 63, which indicates the quality of the SKAN conversion. For example, it could be the number of proceeds: CV=0 immediately after install, CV=1 if the user made a $1 payment, CV=2 for a $2 payment, and so on.

The Conversion value dimension determines the number of conversions with a particular value.

The Total conversion value metric shows you the conversion quality in general (the sum of conversion values). For example, by individual ad campaigns.

For details, refer to Selectors → SKAdNetwork and Conversion value sections

SKAdNetwork templates

You can use ready-made templates to analyze SKAN data:

You can subscribe to the template and receive regular reports by mail.

For details, refer to the Templates section

Exporting data via API

You can use API to export SKAdNetwork data:

  • aggregated data using MyTracker metrics and dimensions (see the Report selectors section);
  • raw data received from Apple in its initial form (see appleSKANpostbacks and partnerSKANpostbacks events in the Selectors section).

For details, refer to the Export API section

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