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Since iOS 14.5, mobile apps should ask the user's consent to track data and access the IDFA. The request can be performed using Apple's framework — App Tracking Transparency (ATT).

ATT initiates the request the first time the app is launched. If the user grants permission, the app developer and ad networks can continue to use IDFA for the ad targeting and collect data on app usage. If the user opt-out of tracking, then Apple will be able to provide de-identified data about installs and in-app events.

MyTracker will help collect data on the number of permits and denials received and see the results by individual countries and regions.

How it works

MyTracker monitors the results of ATT queries automatically. You need to support the ATT framework according to Apple's instructions and ensure that the MyTracker SDK version is at least 2.1.2.

The user will be served a pop-up requesting consent when running the app for the first time. The user's decision, i.e., whether or not to track the data, will be recorded in the ATT status. MyTracker will collect request results from all users and provide overall stats for the app.

To get user permissions to track data, we recommend you use pre-permission prompts. About how to create effective prompts, see our post

ATT statuses

ATT statuses determine access to app-related data for tracking the user or the device. MyTracker provides the following statuses:

Status Description
Unknown Status unknown, e.g., for Android devices or iOS devices below 14.5
Not determined The user has not yet received a request
Restricted The request cannot be initiated on the device. For example, based on user age, other reasons
Denied The user denies consent for tracking
Authorized The user grants permission for tracking

Viewing data in the Report builder

You can view stats on ATT statuses in the Report builder. For instance:

  • To see stats for only those devices, users have opted out of tracking, set the Other filters → Device info → ATT Status filter to Denied.
  • To see stats for individual countries, use ATT Status and Dimensions → Geo & Demography → Country selectors together.
  • To see the number of permissions and denials received, select Dimensions → Device info → ATT Status and the Active devices metric.

Exporting data via API

You can export ATT data via API: in the report or as raw data. To do this, use the attStatus selector. For more details, refer to the Export API section.

Sending data to partner

To share ATT statuses with your ad partner, add the {mt_att_status} macro to the postbacks. For more details, refer to the Postbacks section.

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