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Attribution settings

MyTracker provide separate settings for attribution on mobile and web platforms. Mobile platform settings also apply to cross-platform user attribution.


Settings for web attribution you can set at the Project level. These settings apply to all sites added to the project.

LAST VISIT attribution

The LAST VISIT model attributes website activity to the source of the last site visit. You can customize the attribution window and change the option for tracking organics.

MyTracker also supports the FIRST VISIT model, but does not require customization. Learn more

Attribution window

The time frame during which all events of a site visitor will be attributed to the source of the last visit. Visits and activity after the set time frame will be attributed to organics.

Default: 30 days
Minimum value: 1 hour
Maximum value: 90 days

For details, refer to the LAST VISIT attribution window section

Prefer tagged visits

Еhe option is enabled by default, meaning that only conversions from advertising (marked-up) sources are relevant for attribution. For example, if a visitor came to the site from an ad link, and a few days later goes from organic search or directly — all the visitor activity will be attributed to the last advertising source.

If disabled, activity after organic and direct hits will be attributed to organics, regardless of previous visits from ad and the attribution window.

Session timeout

Session timeout is a time interval of inactivity on the site, after which the session will be terminated. The session end time is the last activity, the timeout period is not included in the session duration.

Session timeout affects attribution — the source of the last visit cannot change during an open session. For example, a visitor came to the site from a social media ad, the first session started. Then the user left the site, but 10 minutes later came back again from search advertising. If the session timeout is more than 10 minutes: when the visitor returns, the first session continues and the further visitor activity still attributed to the social media ad. If the timeout is less than 10 minutes, a new session will start and all activity will be attributed to search advertising.

Default: 30 minutes
Minimum value: 1 minute
Maximum value: 90 minutes

Create separate UTM campaigns

UTM markup statistics are grouped into MyTracker system campaigns by default. If the option is enabled, MyTracker generates separate campaigns in your account for each new utm_campaign+utm_source bundle.

For details, refer to the UTM tracking section

iOS, Android, Users

Settings for attribution on iOS, Android devices and settings for cross-platform user attribution you can set at the Project and Tracking link level.

Prpject settings by default apply to all applications, i.e. all tracking links within a project. You can set the settings when adding a project and edit them at any time later.

Tracking link settings take precedence over project settings, but you can only set them when creating a link. You cannot edit the settings, instead you can create a new link.

Attribution window

Attribution window is the time frame during which the app installation can be attributed to the ad click. To find the last click, the set time is backtracked from the installation to the past.

The setting is available separately for post click and post view conversions, and is valid for mobile app and project user attribution by Android Referrer, Device ID matching, Cookie-matching.

For Post click conversion, default attribution window is 30 days, minimum value — 1 hour, maximum value — 30 days.

For Post view conversion, default attribution window is 1 day, minimum value — 1 hour, maximum value — 7 days.

Post view

The Post view settings block allows you to control a view-through attribution. By default, MyTracker supports a click-through and view-through attribution. But you can turn off the Post view option and track only conversion on the click.


The Probabilistic attribution method can be apply when attribution by device IDs or SKAdNetwork data is not possible.

You can enable/disable Probabilistic attribution, as well as customize the attribution window separately for post click and post view conversions.

Default: 1 hour
Minimum value: 1 minute
Maximum value: 3 hours

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