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Alternative CDN

Use the alternative CDN to track site visits from the regions where the VK services are not available or if the previous (non-asynchronous) counter code does not work.

If you are not yet using the asynchronous counter code, we strongly recommend that you update the counter code to the current one.

To use the alternative CDN in the counter code:

  1. In the application list, select the necessary application and click the Web counter tab.
  2. Click COM domain. MyTracker automatically changes //top-fwz1.mail.ru/js/code.js to //mytopf.com/js/code-fb.js in the counter code.

The resulting code will be the following:

    <!-- mytopf.com counter -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var _tmr = window._tmr || (window._tmr = []);
    _tmr.push({id: "0000000", type: "pageView", start: (new Date()).getTime()});
    (function (d, w, id) {
        if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
         var ts = d.createElement("script"); ts.type = "text/javascript"; ts.async = true; ts.id = id;
         ts.src = "https://mytopf.com/js/code.js";
         var f = function () {var s = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ts, s);};
         if (w.opera == "[object Opera]") { d.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", f, false); } else { f(); }
    })(document, window, "tmr-code");
    <img src="https://mytopf.com/counter?id=0000000;js=na" style="position:absolute;left:-9999px;" alt="mytopf.com" />
    <!-- /mytopf.com counter -->

If, besides the counter code, you use the logo code on the webpages, then in the logo code (on all webpages where you have the logo code) you must replace the top-fwz1.mail.ru domain with mytopf.com.

The counter code should be changed on all pages of your website

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