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SDK integration

MyTracker SDK is a library for tracking mobile apps performance.

Integrate SDK into iOS | Android | Unity | Flutter | React Native | Web apps.

Tracked data

Default SDK tracks the following data:

  • settings and status of the SDK
  • app data: version, identifiers, language
  • device data: identifiers, model, OS, version, language, screen size, and etc.
  • network data: mobile operator, connection type, WiFi, Bluetooth
  • geolocation (only with a request app permission and the user agreement)
  • app launch
  • session data
  • payments data (only for iOS, for Android need some configuration)

You can also set up tracking of any custom events:

  • registration
  • login
  • level up and etc.

To verify that the SDK is connected and data is transferred to the system, click the Integration status tab on the application page. You can analyze tracked data in the MyTracker interface or get data using the API.

To transfer your application's privacy information to App Store and Google Play, use data from the Privacy and security section


Current SDK versions:

  • iOS 3.3.0 dated March 6, 2025
  • Android 3.4.1 dated March 4, 2025
  • Unity 3.0.3 dated March 28, 2023
  • Flutter 3.1.0 dated July 24, 2024
  • React Native 1.0.4 dated October 7, 2024
Version Date Changes


3.3.02025-03-06 Added support for children's apps
3.2.12025-01-13 Fixed a bug that could cause the app to crash when there is no free memory on the device
3.2.02024-09-06 Xcode 16 support
3.1.132024-07-30 Some fixes and improvements
3.1.122024-07-04 Some fixes and improvements
3.1.112024-06-21 Improved stability
3.1.102024-05-27 Updated privacy manifest
3.1.92024-05-14 Improvements and fixes
3.1.82024-04-19 Added privacy manifest
Some fixes and improvements
3.1.72024-04-03 Improved mechanism for sending events to the MyTracker server. Now, when sending custom events, the SDK considers the userId at the time the event occurs, not at the moment the data is sent to the server.
Added support for Logger to optimize your logging structure in the console
Improvements and fixes
3.1.62024-02-27 Fixed errors
3.1.52024-01-23 Added the ability to set a custom logger
Fixed some errors
3.1.42024-01-09 Fixed errors
3.1.32023-12-26 Added support for iOS 17
Fixed deadlock
3.1.22023-11-30 Fixed errors
3.1.12023-11-11 Improvements and fixes
3.1.02023-10-16 Minimum supported iOS version increased to 12.4
Added possibility to check the result of forced event sending — callback for flush method.
3.0.82023-03-08 Added support for Personalize API
Improvements and fixes
3.0.72022-08-23 Improvements in session tracking
Multiple improvements and fixes
3.0.62022-02-04 Standardized API for Swift: changed parameter names
Some improvements that will positively affect the accuracy of Probabilistic attribution
3.0.52021-10-28 Enabled Bitcode generation for simulators
3.0.42021-09-30 Fixed an error that occurred when adding the AdServices framework through the Swift Package Manager
3.0.32021-09-08 Fixed error that in rare cases caused crashing apps
3.0.22021-07-29 Implemented integration with Apple AdServices to Apple Search Ads attribution in iOS 14+
Added dependencies to SPM package
3.0.12021-07-05 Stopped processing data from the proximity sensor, which could lead to the screen off
3.0.02021-06-09 Changed method for the data storage and retrieval:
  • improved the safety: hijacking and spoofing a request to MyTracker is now much more difficult;
  • reduced the amount of transferred data;
  • increased the speed of server-side processing of requests.
2.2.12020-12-21 Improved mechanism to detect jailbroken devices
2.2.02020-11-12 Added methods to track Mini Apps events
2.1.22020-09-22 Fixed idfa tracking attribute for iOS 14
Added feature to collect data on current battery status and charge level
2.1.12020-09-15 Fixed an error that occurred during preparing apps for publication
2.1.02020-09-09 Added support for iOS 14 and SKAdNetwork.
Fixed error in double decoding of deep links
2.0.102020-08-26 Extended the limit for custom events and their params to 255 symbols
2.0.92020-08-19 Corrected sending of eventParams for manually created purchase events
2.0.82020-08-13 Added handling of Double.NaN values
Fixed the doc for AdEventBuilder method
2.0.72020-07-17 Fixed error that could cause an event to be logged with a future timestamp
Improved mechanism for internet connection tracking
2.0.62020-06-26 Added a required userId parameter for an authorization and registration tracking.
Added API for in-app advertising tracking
2.0.52020-06-04 Improvements in purchase tracking.
Other minor improvements.
2.0.42020-03-10 Fixed error in the determination of location that caused crashing apps on the iPhone 5/5c c iOS 10.x.
2.0.32020-03-06 Fixed error in iAd attribution.
2.0.22020-02-04 Added method to get instanceId (device identifier for S2S API).
Added comments for methods.
2.0.12019-12-30 Fixed errors.
2.0.02019-12-23 Improved architecture and performance of the library:
  • Removed the createTracker method
  • Divided settings into MyTrackerConfig and MyTracker.trackerParams classes
  • Added asynchrony to events tracking methods (now methods do not return boolean values)
Minimum supported iOS version increased to 8.0
Added demo application in Swift
1.7.92019-08-22 Added support for iOS 13.
1.7.82019-06-13 Possibility to set up the region, where the data collection server is located.
1.7.72019-05-28 Launch tracking is improved. The SDK does not track launch by push-notification if an app is run in the background.
1.7.62019-02-19 Parameters were added to collect data on the price of inApp purchase.
1.7.52018-12-13 forcingPeriod configuration parameter was added. This parameter allows to enable immediate events flushing to server during defined period of time after application install/update.
1.7.42018-04-24 Improvements in deep link tracking.
1.7.32018-04-18 Support for deep links tracking was added.
1.7.22018-03-19 Jailbreak detection was added.
Number of concurrent network connection was limited.
1.7.12018-02-16 flush() method was added to force events sending.
1.7.02018-01-16 Automatic inApp purchase events tracking added.
Custom events parameters validation improved.
1.6.42017-09-27 Some improvements.
1.6.32017-09-13 Fixes and improvements.
1.6.02017-07-13 Deferred deep links support.
Added original_transaction_id params (restored in-app purchases).
Possibility to set up params in singular.
1.5.132017-06-15 Buffering settings added.
1.5.122017-04-20 Fixes and improvements.
1.5.102017-03-03 Fixed errors regarding CoreTelephony framework.
1.5.92017-02-14 Fixes and improvements.
1.5.82017-02-09 Earliest iOS version supported – 7.0.
1.5.62017-01-23 Event tracking methods should return boolean value.
1.5.52016-12-15 SearchAd Attribution error fixed.
1.5.32016-09-20 SearchAd attribution tracking.
IDFV caching at UserDefaults.
1.5.22016-08-30 Fixes and improvements.
1.5.12016-08-03 Published at CocoaPods.
Fixes and improvements.
1.4.82016-07-06 Session tracking improvement.
Errors fixed.
1.4.32016-02-24 bitcode compilation error fixed.
1.4.02015-12-22 Add session tracking.
Add cellular and wi-fi networks tracking — errors fixed.


3.4.12025-03-04 Added support for children's apps (isKidMode(), setKidMode(boolean))
Improvements and fixes
3.3.22024-08-14 Fixed errors in SDK operation
3.3.12024-08-05 Some code improvement
Removed MyTrackerConfig.setRegion function.
Removed MyTracker.flush (final @Nullable FlushListener flushListener) method.
Optimized MyTracker initialization process.
General improvements and fixes.
3.2.02023-10-16 Fixes and improvements
3.1.22023-09-08 Fixed bug in sending events
3.1.12023-08-22 Added possibility to check the result of forced event sending — callback for flush method.
Bug in build 3.1.1 fixed in version 3.1.2
3.1.02023-07-21 Minimum supported Android version increased to 5.0 (API Level 21).
Minimum supported Google Play Billing Library version update. Supported versions: 5-6.
Improvements and fixes.
Bug in build 3.1.0 fixed in version 3.1.2
3.0.122023-04-17 Added the method for tracking retail pre-installs
3.0.112023-03-01 Added support for Personalize API
Improvements and fixes
3.0.102022-09-21 Disabled automatic SSAID and MAC collecting. Added method for manual sending of SSAID and MAC. Fo details, go to the Collect device IDs section.
3.0.92022-09-05 Disabled geolocation tracking by default. To enable data sending, use the TrackingLocationEnabled parameter
Some improvements and fixes
3.0.82022-08-12 Fixed error that caused crashing for apps with target API 32
3.0.72022-07-22 Minor improvements
3.0.62022-05-23 Added support for AppGallery Install Referrer
3.0.52022-04-15 Updated dependencies versions
3.0.42022-02-02 Some improvements that will positively affect the accuracy of Probabilistic attribution
3.0.32021-12-23 Updated BillingClient version
Updated targetSdk version to 31
3.0.22021-12-15 Added support for App Set ID.
App Set ID will allow you to identify devices if the advertising identifier (GAID) is unavailable. Refer to the Google Play Console documentation
3.0.12021-10-05 Added the com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID permission in the manifest.
Refer to the Google Play Console documentation for full details of the upcoming changes to Android 12.

Changed the currency formatting: the decimal comma is replaced by a dot

Added changes for working in StrictMode
3.0.02021-06-01 Changed method for the data storage and retrieval:
  • improved the safety: hijacking and spoofing a request to MyTracker is now much more difficult;
  • reduced the amount of transferred data;
  • increased the speed of server-side processing of requests.
2.1.22021-03-23 Support for Install Referrer Library 2.2
2.1.12021-03-05 Supported a new pre-install tracking scheme
2.1.02020-11-11 Added methods to track Mini Apps events
To AttributionListener call added a script to get data from Install Referrer API
2.0.112020-10-15 Added feature to collect data on current battery status and charge level
2.0.102020-08-26 Extended the limit for custom events and their params to 255 symbols
2.0.92020-07-07 Fixed API for in-app advertising tracking: withFormat → withAdFormat
Fixes and improvements
2.0.82020-06-18 Added a required userId parameter for an authorization and registration tracking.
Added API for in-app advertising tracking
2.0.72020-06-01 Improvements in purchase tracking.
2.0.62020-05-26 Updated targetSdk version to 29.
2.0.52020-05-22 Support for Install Referrer Library 1.1.2.
2.0.42020-04-07 Fixed error in purchase tracking.
2.0.32020-03-20 Added support for Billing Library 2.1.0 to track purchase
Stopped using the AIDL service to request product information
2.0.22020-02-21 Added a feature of pre-install tracking.
2.0.12020-02-04 Added method to get instanceId (device identifier for S2S API).
2.0.02020-01-27 Improved architecture and performance of the library:
  • Removed the createTracker method
  • Divided settings into MyTrackerConfig and MyTracker.trackerParams classes
  • Added asynchrony to events tracking methods (now methods do not return boolean values)
Added demo application in Kotlin
1.5.142019-12-03 Improvements.
1.5.132019-11-21 Minor improvements.
1.5.122019-11-06 Console messages were corrected
1.5.112019-10-31 Added support for Bluetooth beacons
1.5.102019-10-18 Added support for Huawei OAID (Open Advertising Identifier)
1.5.92019-09-18 Support for Android 10 privacy changes related to geolocation
1.5.82019-06-14 Possibility to set up the region, where the data collection server is located.
1.5.72019-05-20 Parameters were added to collect data on the price of inApp purchase.
1.5.62019-03-18 Error with dependencies in the pom.xml was fixed.
1.5.52018-12-14 forcingPeriod configuration parameter was added. This parameter allows to enable immediate events flushing to server during defined period of time after application install/update.
Minimum supported Android version increased to 4.0 (API Level 14).
onStartActivity/onStopActivity methods used for user activity tracking in Android prior 4.0 version were removed.
1.5.42018-05-16 Deep links support added.
1.5.32018-05-03 IMEI/MEID identifiers tracking removed.
1.5.22018-03-21 Rooted device detection was added.
New trackLaunchManually() method was added. Method must be called if MyTracker was initialized in activity not in Application instance.
Public API annotations were added
1.5.12018-02-12 flush() method was added to force events sending.
1.5.02018-02-05 Automatic inApp purchase events tracking added.
Custom events parameters validation improved.
1.4.52017-12-21 Google Install Referrer API support added.
Automatic activities tracking added.
Deprecated function getDeviceId() was replaced with getImei()/getMeid() for devices with API 26+.
1.4.42017-12-06 Fix of local database write error on insufficient device memory.
1.4.32017-10-27 MultipleInstallReceiver class was added to simplify usage of multiple tracking systems in single application.
1.4.22017-09-13 Fixes and improvements.
1.4.02017-07-13 Deferred deep links support.
1.3.142017-06-09 Bufferring settings added.
1.3.132017-04-20 Fixes and improvements.
1.3.102017-01-23 Event tracking methods now return boolean value.
Added xdpi/ydpi to device info.
1.3.92016-12-23 Error fixes.
1.3.82016-10-03 Minor improvements.
1.3.62016-09-23 Play-services-basement added to dependencies.
Error fixes and improvements.
1.3.52016-08-30 Fixes and improvements.
1.3.42016-08-15 64 character limit added to event and parameter names.
1.3.32016-08-03 Further permission checks added for devices on Android 6+.
1.3.22016-08-01 Error fixes.
1.3.12016-06-10 Library published on JCenter public repository. Now it's possible to assign a single dependency in build.gradle file.
Library class set changed from ru.mail.android to com.my.tracker.
Session tracking improvement.
Installer tracking for install, referrer and update events.
1.2.22016-02-03 Improvement to referrer info return process.
1.2.02015-12-16 Add session tracking.
Add cellular and wi-fi networks tracking.


3.0.32023-03-28 iOS and Android libraries were updated to the versions 3.0+
Added the RegisterForSkAdAttribution parameter to enable/disable SKAdNetwork attribution
3.0.22022-09-08 iOS and Android libraries were updated to the latest versions: iOS 3.0.7, Android 3.0.9
For the Android platform, disabled geolocation tracking by default. To enable data sending, use the TrackingLocationEnabled parameter
3.0.12022-08-18 Updated the EDM4U (External Dependency Manager 4 Unity)
3.0.02021-10-28 iOS and Android libraries were updated to the latest versions: iOS 3.0.4, Android 3.0.1
Updated the GPSR version to EDM4U
2.0.42020-11-11 Refined the method TrackPurchaseEvent(String, String, String, IDictionary<String, String>)
2.0.32020-09-16 iOS and Android libraries were updated to the latest versions: iOS 2.1.1, Android 2.0.10.
2.0.22020-07-20 Fixed API for in-app advertising tracking: AdFormat.Interstial → Interstitial.
iOS and Android libraries were updated to the latest versions: iOS 2.0.7, Android 2.0.9.
2.0.12020-07-07 Added a required userId parameter for an authorization and registration tracking.
Added API for in-app advertising tracking.
iOS and Android libraries were updated to the latest versions: iOS 2.0.6, Android 2.0.9
2.0.02020-02-26 Improved architecture and performance of the library:
  • Removed the createTracker method
  • Divided settings into MyTrackerConfig and MyTracker.trackerParams classes
  • Added asynchrony to events tracking methods (now methods do not return boolean values)
Added method to get instanceId (device identifier for S2S API).
Made the transition to manage dependencies with GPSR.
Minimum supported iOS version increased to 8.0
1.2.82019-11-26 Fixed purchase tracking error.
1.2.72019-07-16 Possibility to set up the region, where the data collection server is located.
1.2.62018-12-25 forcingPeriod configuration parameter was added. This parameter allows to enable immediate events flushing to server during defined period of time after application install/update.
Minimum supported Android version increased to 4.0 (API Level 14).
1.2.52018-08-20 Workaround for Unity 2018.2
1.2.42018-05-18 iOS and Android libraries were updated to the latest versions: iOS 1.7.4, Android 1.5.4.
An error while project build using Gradle was fixed.
1.2.32018-03-21 iOS and Android libraries were updated to the latest versions.
Root/Jailbreak detection was added.
1.2.22018-03-15 inApp payments handling in Android was fixed.
1.2.12018-03-12 inApp payments validation in iOS was fixed.
1.2.02018-03-05 Automatic in-app purchase events tracking on iOS platform added.
Automatic user activity (app launches) tracking on Android platform added.
New Flush() method was added to force events sending.
1.1.02017-09-27 Tracking of payments.
1.0.02017-09-21 Base tracking functionality released.


3.1.02024-07-24 iOS and Android libraries were updated to the versions: iOS 3.1.11, Android 3.3.0:
  • Minimum supported iOS version increased to 12.4, Android version to 5.0.
  • Improved mechanism for sending events to the MyTracker server. Now, when sending custom events, the SDK considers the userId at the time the event occurs, not at the moment the data is sent to the server.
  • Added method to get instanceId (device identifier for S2S API).
  • Added support for App Set ID.
    App Set ID will allow you to identify devices if the advertising identifier (GAID) is unavailable. Refer to the Google Play Console documentation
  • Added the com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID permission in the manifest.
  • Disabled geolocation tracking by default. To enable data sending, use the TrackingLocationEnabled parameter.
3.0.02021-08-13 Base tracking functionality released.

React Native

1.0.42024-10-07 iOS and Android libraries were updated to the versions: iOS 3.2.0, Android 3.3.2
Xcode 16 support for iOS
1.0.32024-08-26 iOS and Android libraries were updated to the versions: iOS 3.1.12, Android 3.3.0:
  • Minimum supported iOS version increased to 12.4, Android version to 5.0.
  • Improved mechanism for sending events to the MyTracker server. Now, when sending custom events, the SDK considers the userId at the time the event occurs, not at the moment the data is sent to the server.
  • Updated geolocation tracking. By default, it is enabled for iOS and disabled for Android.
1.0.22023-09-12 Base tracking functionality released.
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