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Corrections can be an alternative or a complement to tariffs. They’re needed if, for any reason, the payments have changed or it’s impossible to calculate the costs. For example, due to fines, or partner bonuses, or a complex arrangement.

Corrections are tied to the application. The correction amount is evenly distributed over a set time period according to basic metrics, excluding social and demographic data, and geography. When building a report, the correction value is added to the «Cost Corrections» and «Campaign cost» metrics.

Add correction

  1. In the campaigns list, choose the one to which you need to add corrections.
  2. On the Corrections tab, сlick Add.
  3. Fill out the form:
    • Application * — the app for the correction to be tied to.
    • Sum * — the specified sum is divided approximately to equal parts by the hour in the specified date range.
    • Currency * — currency of correction. For reports in other currencies, currency will be converted at the exchange rate on each day of the correction.
    • Start date * — beginning of correction.
    • End date * — end of correction.
    • Timezone * — the timezone for the correction to be tied to. If you build a report with other timezones, the part of the correction sum will be displayed on a date outside the specified range (according to the time difference between the correction and report timezones).
    • The timezone is also factored in building reports with a currency different from the correction currency. The exchange rate will be taken for the day which corresponds to the timezone of the correction

    • Description — free text with useful information for you. For example, the reason for the correction.

    * — required fields.

  4. Click Add.

Correction will be added to the list. To view the information on correction, click . To edit the added correction, click  .

The correction sum will be divided approximately to equal parts by the hour in the specified date range. For example, in the figure below, the correction of USD 4 800 is divided by the 48 hours on 1-2 September.

Delete correction

You can delete correction added by mistake or if the payments were canceled.

  1. In the campaigns list, select the campaign, the correction for which you want to delete.
  2. In the Corrections list, select the correction you wan to delete.
  3. You can delete the correction in two ways:
    • Expand the list of actions and click  Delete next to the selected correction.
    • Go to the View correction page by and click Delete correction.

MyTracker does not remove the deleted correction from the interface but marks the correction sum with strikethrough as shown in the screenshot below — 1000.00.

To view the information on correction, including the date of it deletion, click . To edit the deleted correction, click  .

MyTracker might delete the correction sum from a report with delay. If MyTracker still displays the deleted correction in a report, wait some time and build the report again.

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