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Common metrics


Number of app installs made in selected report period.

MyTracker counts install only after mobile application launch. So, there is no install while the app is not launched.

If MyTracker library was integrated to the application with existing install base, all existing installs will be calculated as new as soon as application will be updated to the version with integrated MyTracker library


Number of mobile app re-installs in selected report period.

Re-install means that a user installed the app again after removing it and after the "Inactivity window" (30 days by default).

Re-engagements (d)

Number of app re-engagements in selected report period.

Re-engagement is the activity before which a user has not interacted with the app within the "Inactivity window" (by default, 30 days). This activity involves a registration, authorization, launch, in-app impression, payment, subscription, or subscription renewal.


Number of attribution events made in selected report period.

These are new devices (installs and first visits of the website), re-installs, and re-engagements.

Attributions (u)

Number of attribution events made in selected report period.

These are new users and re-attributions (re-engagements).

Attributions (p)

Number of attribution events made in selected report period.

These are new platform users and re-attributions (re-engagements).


Number of re-attribution events (re-installs or app re-engagements) made in selected report period.

Re-attributions (u)

Number of re-attribution events (app re-engagements) made in selected report period.

Re-engagement is the activity before which a user has not interacted with the app within the "Inactivity window" (by default, 30 days). This activity involves a registration, authorization, launch, website visit, in-app impression, payment, subscription, or subscription renewal.

Re-attributions (p)

Number of re-attribution events (platform app re-engagements) made in selected report period.

Re-engagement is the activity before which a user has not interacted with the app within the "Inactivity window" (by default, 30 days). This activity involves a registration, app launch, or payment.

Cause attribution

One of possible attribution cause:

  • New device (app install or first visit of the website)
  • New user (first event with user ID)
  • New platform app user
  • Re-install
  • Re-engagement
  • User re-engagement
  • Platform app user re-engagement

First authorisations (u)

The number of project users who are authorized in the application for the first time during the report period. In the project, a user can authorize from different devices, but only one of these authorizations will be counted as the first one.

To log the Authorisation events, you need to configure SDK for iOS, Android, Unity, Flutter, React Native, Web platforms, or send events via S2S API

First authorisationsFlow metric
First authorisations CACurrent Attribution metric
First authorisations LTLifeTime metric
First authorisations ATAttribution Time metric

First authorisations (p)

The number of platform users who are authorized in the application for the first time during the report period.

In the project, a user can authorize from different devices, but only one of these authorizations will be counted as the first one.

First authorisationsFlow metric
First authorisations CACurrent Attribution metric
First authorisations LTLifeTime metric
First authorisations ATAttribution Time metric

CR, %

Conversion Rate (CR) measures the ratio of mobile app Installs to Clicks. It's determined as the percentage ratio of sum for report period of Installs / Clicks.

CRFlow metric
CR CACurrent Attribution metric

ARPU (d)

ARPU — the average revenue from a single active device (revenue from ad placement, purchases, subscriptions, and custom revenue).

It's determined as ratio of sum for report period Revenue to Active devices (for ARPU & ARPU CA) or New devices (for ARPU LT & ARPU AT)

ARPU shows revenue, not profit, it does not consider taxes or app stores fee

ARPUFlow metric
ARPU CACurrent Attribution metric
ARPU LTLifeTime metric
ARPU ATAttribution Time metric

ARPU (u)

ARPU — the average revenue from a single active user (revenue from ad placement, purchases, subscriptions, and custom revenue).

It's determined as the ratio of sum for report period Revenue to Active users (for ARPU) or New users (for ARPU LT).

ARPU shows revenue, not profit, it does not consider taxes or app stores fee

ARPUFlow metric
ARPU CACurrent Attribution metric
ARPU LTLifeTime metric
ARPU ATAttribution Time metric

New devices

The number of first-time devices during the selected report period. The first-time means the first visit of the website or the app installation on a mobile phone.

If MyTracker library was integrated to the application with existing device base, all existing devices will be calculated as new as soon as the application will be updated to the version with integrated MyTracker library

New users (u)

The number of first-time users during the selected report period.

If MyTracker SDK was integrated to the app with an existing user base, all users will be calculated as new as soon as MyTracker receives any first event with user ID.

New users (p)

The number of first-time platform users during the selected report period.

Registrations (d)

The number of registrations on a device made in selected report period.
MyTracker does not count registration if it was done before SDK embedding or tracked without device ID.

To log the Registration events, you need to configure SDK for iOS, Android, Unity, Flutter, React Native, Web platforms, or send events via S2S API.

RegistrationsFlow metric
Registrations CACurrent Attribution metric
Registrations LTLifeTime metric
Registrations ATAttribution Time metric

Registrations (u)

The number of registrations made in selected report period.
MyTracker does not count registration if it was done before SDK embedding or tracked without user ID.

To log the Registration events, you need to configure SDK for iOS, Android, Unity, React Native, Web platforms, or send events via S2S API.

Registrations (p)

The number of platform users who registered in the app in the selected report period.

Postbacks sent (d)

Count of successfully sent postbacks for devices. Postback is considered to be successfully sent if MyTracker received an HTTP response status between 200 and 299 from the partner.

Postbacks sent (u)

Count of successfully sent postbacks for users. Postback is considered to be successfully sent if MyTracker received an HTTP response status between 200 and 299 from the partner.

Postbacks sent (p)

Count of successfully sent postbacks for platform users. Postback is considered to be successfully sent if MyTracker received an HTTP response status between 200 and 299 from the partner.

Sending postbacks is available only for the VK Play platform and is not yet supported for the VK Mini Apps platform.

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