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Fraud reconciliation with partner

If you discover fraud, you can notify ad partners, ask them to block suspicious sources and refund.

With MyTracker, you can export the required data to send to your partner: identifiers of suspicious devices, ad interaction time, installation time, etc.

You can export data by using one of the following options:

  • Export API
  • MyTracker interface (only device IDs)
  • Audiences (only device IDs) Premium plan

Only account owners and users with the granted export permission can export segments from the account. For details, see User management.

Export API

To download data using the Export API:

  1. In MyTracker, create the segment of devices for which the fraud was detected:
    • Select Devices in the Audience type field.
    • Add fraud metrics as Segment parameters. For example, if you need to export devices that have 2 clicks on ads of 2 different applications at the same time, select the Stacking clicks category.
    • Fraud web metrics are currently unavailable for segment creation and data export

    • Add the Partner or Campaign parameter for which you need to export the data.
  2. For details, refer to the Add segment section

  3. Get access to the Export API (see the Access to API section).
  4. Create a request to export raw data on event installs for mobile traffic or sessions for web traffic:
    • Specify idSegment created in the first step. You can find it on the segment page in the address bar of your browser.
    • Add selectors that need to export. For example, a device identifier idfa, time of installation or a visit to your site tsEvent, click time tsClick. See the complete list of selectors in the Selectors dictionary.
    Example query:
  5. /api/raw/v1/export/create.json?event=installs&selectors=idApp,idfa,tsEvent,tsClick&dateTo=2022-02-28&dateFrom=2022-02-01&idSegment=1111&timezone=Europe/Moscow

    For details, refer to the Raw data section

You will get a CSV file with list of suspicious device identifiers and requested data.

Export via MyTracker interface

If you only need to get the IDs of the devices for which the fraud was tracked, you can export the data using the MyTracker interface:

  1. In MyTracker, create the segment of devices for which the fraud was detected:
    • Select Devices in the Audience type field.
    • Add fraud metrics as Segment parameters. For example, if you need to export devices that have 2 clicks on ads of 2 different applications at the same time, select the Stacking clicks category.
    • Fraud web metrics are currently unavailable for segment creation and data export

    • Add the Partner or Campaign parameter for which you need to export the data.
  2. For details, refer to the Add segment section

  3. On the segment page, click Export and select device identifiers. For details, refer to the Export segment section.

You will get a CSV file with list of device identifiers, that could be pass to your partner.

Automatic data sending to your partnerPremium plan

Use Audiences to configure automatic sending of device IDs, for which fraud was detected, to the partner. Use these IDs to exclude fradulent devices from retargeting advertising campaigns.

  1. In MyTracker, create the segment of devices for which the fraud was detected:
    • Select Devices in the Audience type field.
    • Add fraud metrics as Segment parameters. For example, if you need to export devices that have 2 clicks on ads of 2 different applications at the same time, select the Stacking clicks category.
    • Fraud web metrics are currently unavailable for segment creation and data export

    • Add the Partner or Campaign parameter for which you need to export the data.
  2. For details, refer to the Add segment section

  3. Add the audience to start automatic data sending to the partner:
    • Select the account to which the audience will be added.
    • Specify the segment used for the audience basis.
  4. Configure partner integration.

After you have configured partner integration, MyTracker will update audiences and send lists of device IDs, for which fraud was detected, to partners automatically.

For details, refer to the Audiences section

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