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Request to export segment

Create a request to export segment to CSV files.

Only account owners and users with the granted export permission can export raw data from the account. For details, see User management.

Input data

POST https://tracker.my.com/api/segment/v1/export/create.json


Name Value Description Note
idSegment * ID of one of the segments available to you

Example: 1 или
ID of the segment to be exported
requestFields Some values of exported fields, separated by commas or array-based

Example: requestFields=gaid,idfa
The list of identifiers that will be present in the exporting. If the list is empty or not transmitted, all available fields will be exported The list of available fields depends on the audience type of the segment.
Segment by users:
  • idProject
  • idProjectUser
  • customUserId
Segment by devices:
  • idApp
  • idProfile
  • gaid
  • idfa
  • oaid
includeHeaderLine One of the values:
0 — off
1 — on (by default)

Example: includeHeaderLine=1
Adding the first line with column names to the first file
registerType One of the values:
0 — Do not modify (by default)
1 — Common
2 — Lower case
3 — Upper case

Example: registerType=1
Selecting register identifiers Register can be selected only for identifiers in the segment by devices:
  • gaid
  • idfa
  • oaid
hashType One of the values:
0 — No hashing (by default)
1 — MD5
2 — SHA256

Example: hashType=1
Hashing identifiers The list of hashed identifiers depends on the audience type of the segment.
Segment by users:
  • customUserId
Segment by devices:
  • gaid
  • idfa
  • oaid
maxBatchFileSize Integer. Maximum size in MB per file in the ZIP-archive Splitting the exported segment into multiple files Value ranges from 10 to 4 095

* — required parameters

Identifiers description

The table contains description of identifiers that can be export using the requestFields parameter.

Segment by devices
idApp App identifier in MyTracker
idProfile Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+individual device
gaid Android advertising identifier (advertisingId)
idfa iOS advertising identifier
oaid Huawei advertising identifier
Segment by users
idProject Project identifier in MyTracker
idProjectUser User identifier in the project. It defines a pair of project + user (idProject + CustomUserId)
CustomUserID User identifier sent via SDK. It defines an individual user

Example query

Use the create method to export identifiers gaid, idfa by segment with id=1:




A 200 status code indicates success. It will include an identifier of a new request in the idSegmentExport field:

  "code": 200,
  "message": "Ok",
  "data": {
    "idSegmentExport": "1"


A 400 status code indicates an error in parameters given. For example:

  • The requested segment (idSegment) cannot be export:
      "code": 400,
      "message": "Bad Request",
      "data": {
        "error": {
          "detail": "Field \"idSegment\" is invalid"


  • A 403 status code indicates that the method needs authorization. Maybe you made mistakes or forgot to send authorization data.
      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access denied",
      "data": null
  • A 400 status code is returned when you sent a new request and exceeded the limit of request in a queue:
      "code": 400,
      "message": "Bad Request",
      "data": {
        "error": {
          "detail": "Maximum number of simultaneous requests reached. Wait until there is space available in the queue.",
          "info": {
            "exports": [
                "idSegmentExport": "1"
  • A 400 status code is returned when you try to export a segment that is already in the process of being exported:
      "code": 400,
      "message": "Bad Request",
      "data": {
        "error": {
          "detail": "This segment is already being exported"
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