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Default templates

MyTracker has ready-made templates on the most important metrics and dimensions. Use templates as a finished report or a basis for new ones.

The list of available templates and metrics depends on the list of apps in your account. For example, the Subscription Model template is available for mobile apps but not for web apps or VK Mini Apps.

Some templates set up on all your application and other, for convenience, are limited to the first several apps.

You cannot edit and delete default templates. But you can save changes as a new user template.

New audience by traffic source

Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing channels. The report shows the number of new devices and users, sessions for the past week, grouped by partners and traffic types. You can also see the percentage difference from the previous period.

Advertising activity

Learn a conversion funnel. The report shows the number of impressions, clicks, CTR, CR for the past week, grouped by days. You can also see the percentage difference from the previous period.

Total events per day

Analyse user behavior. The report shows the number of in-app events (registration, level up, etc.) for the past week, grouped by days.

New audience by gender and age

Learn a demographic audience profile. The report shows the number of new devices and users for the past week, grouped by gender and age. You can also see the percentage difference from the previous period.

New audience by geo

Track the geographic location of users. The report shows the number of new devices and users for the past week, grouped by countries.


Measure user retention. The report shows the percentage of the audience who are active a particular day after the first activity.


Evaluate quality of user acquisition channels. The report shows the length of visitors' sessions for the past week, grouped by partners. You can also see the percentage difference from the previous period.

This template is not yet available for VK Mini Apps

Financial statement

Control the advertising spend and app revenue. The report shows main financial statement (revenue, APRU, campaign cost, etc.) for the past week. You can also see the percentage difference from the previous period.

This template is not yet available for VK Mini Apps

Financial by traffic source

Evaluate the effectiveness of ad campaigns. The report shows main financial statement (revenue, APRU, campaign cost, etc.) for the past week, grouped by partners. You can also see the percentage difference from the previous period.

This template is not yet available for VK Mini Apps

Active audience

Track user loyalty during promotions, email newsletters, updates, and etc. The report shows the number of active devices and users for the past week, grouped by dates.

Subscription model

Define the success of app monetization through subscriptions. The report shows the number of trial and paid subscriptions, the number of renewals, trial to paid conversion, and revenue from subscriptions.

This template is only suitable for mobile apps

Advertising model

Evaluate the result of ad monetization. The report shows the number of an engaged audience, in-app impressions, CPM, and revenue from integrated ads.

This template is only suitable for mobile apps

SKAN conversions per day by app and partner

Check the acquisition performance on iOS 14.5+ on campaign days. The report shows the number of impressions and SKAN conversions for each day, grouped by partners.

For details, refer to the iOS & SKAdNetwork section

SKAN conversions by campaign

Analyze the results of ad campaigns for iOS 14.5+. The report shows the number of impressions, SKAN conversions, and installs, grouped by partners and campaigns.

For details, refer to the iOS & SKAdNetwork section

SKAN conversions by value

Get more information about campaigns for iOS 14.5+, by measuring the conversion value. The report shows the number of SKAN conversions, grouped by partners and conversion values.

For details, refer to the iOS & SKAdNetwork section

Combined fraud metrics

Check incoming traffic for fraudulent attacks. The report shows a share of strict, confident, and soft fraud, which demonstrates a different probability of fraud threat. Learn more

The report also finds the results of comparison with the previous period.

This template is only suitable for mobile apps. For websites, see Combined web fraud metrics.

Strict fraud Premium plan

Evaluate the amount of traffic that is more likely to be a fraud. The report shows the number of suspicious and emulated devices, the number of devices with quick installs and stacking clicks.

The report also finds the results of comparison with the previous period.

This template is only suitable for mobile apps. For websites, see Strict web fraud.

Confident fraud Premium plan

Evaluate the amount of traffic that is probably fraud, but rare false alarms are possible. The report shows the number of devices with the attribution fraud and post-install fraud.

The report also finds the results of comparison with the previous period.

This template is only suitable for mobile apps

Soft fraud Premium plan

Evaluate the amount of traffic that may be fraud, but may have false alarms. The report shows the number of devices with low CR and deferred installs, and the number of Root/Jailbreak devices.

The report also finds the results of comparison with the previous period.

This template is only suitable for mobile apps. For websites, see Soft web fraud.

Combined web fraud metrics

Check incoming web traffic for fraudulent attacks. The report shows a share of sessions that are more likely to be fraud.

The report also finds the results of comparison with the previous period.

This template is only suitable for websites. For mobile apps, see Combined fraud metrics.

Fraud web sessions Premium plan

Analyze the fraud rates in web traffic. The report shows the number of suspicious devices, the number of devices with multiple engagement, malicious IP addresses, ppening in background, and fake data.

The report also finds the results of comparison with the previous period.

This template is only suitable for websites. For mobile apps, see Strict fraud.

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