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Import events


To send events and their parameters, use the following methods:

  • registration and registrationBatch for registration events;
  • login and loginBatch for authorization events;
  • customEvent and customEventBatch for custom events.

Uploaded events will be added to the project data and will appear in MyTracker reports within 4 hours


Use the registration method to send data on the registration.

Request format: https://tracker-s2s.my.com/v1/registration/?idApp=XXX

Required parameters: customUserId.

Required parameters for VK Mini Apps: customPlatformUserId and vkPlatform.


Use the registrationBatch method to send batch data on registrations. This method is similar to registration but allows you to send more than one event.

Request format: https://tracker-s2s.my.com/v1/registrationBatch/?idApp=XXX

Required parameters:

Name Description Type Example
One parameter without a name. It's an array, through which you can pass parameters from the registration method.
If validation rules are broken in at least one set of parameters, the server will return the error
Array. Maximum size 20 [
{"customUserId": "1111", "lvid":"00000000000000000000000000000000"},
{"customUserId": "2222", "lvid":"00000000000000000000000000000000"}


Use the login method to send data on the authorization.

Request format: https://tracker-s2s.my.com/v1/login/?idApp=XXX

Required parameters: customUserId.

Required parameters for VK Mini Apps: customPlatformUserId and vkPlatform.


Use the loginBatch method to send batch data on authorizations. This method is similar to login but allows you to send more than one event.

Request format: https://tracker-s2s.my.com/v1/loginBatch/?idApp=XXX

Required parameters:

Name Description Type Example
One parameter without a name. It's an array, through which you can pass parameters from the login method.
If validation rules are broken in at least one set of parameters, the server will return the error
Array. Maximum size 20 [
{"customUserId": "1111", "lvid":"00000000000000000000000000000000"},
{"customUserId": "2222", "lvid":"00000000000000000000000000000000"}


Use the customEvent method to send data on the custom event (for example, adding to cart, registering for a test drive, and so on).

Request format: https://tracker-s2s.my.com/v1/customEvent/?idApp=XXX

Required parameters: a user identifier customUserId and/or one of the device identifiers: instanceId, lvid, gaid, androidId, appSetId, idfa, iosVendorId (the event will be related to the user and/or the device).

Required parameters for VK Mini Apps: customPlatformUserId and vkPlatform.

Required parameters for VK Play: sezamUserId and/or lvid. The event will be related to the user and/or the device.

Specific parameters:

Name Description Type Example
customEventName* Name of custom event String, minimum length 1, maximum length 255 "customEventName":"messageReceived"
customEventParams Parameters of custom event array paramsName => paramValue
Array size is not limited
paramsName — string, minimum length 1, maximum length 255
paramValue — string, minimum length 1, maximum length 255
"customEventParams":{ "name1":"value1", "name2":"value2" }

* — required parameter.


Use the customEventBatch method to send batch data on custom events. This method is similar to customEvent but allows you to send more than one event.

Request format: https://tracker-s2s.my.com/v1/customEventBatch/?idApp=XXX

Required parameters:

Name Description Type Example
One parameter without a name. It's an array, through which you can pass parameters from the customEvent method.
If validation rules are broken in at least one set of parameters, the server will return the error
Array. Maximum size 20 [
{"customUserId": "1111", "lvid":"00000000000000000000000000000000", "customEventName": "messageReceived"},
{"customUserId": "2222", "lvid":"00000000000000000000000000000000", "customEventName": "messageReceived"}


All parameters are passed in the request body in JSON format.

Limit on the maximum size of imported data — 10Kb.

Name Description Type Example


eventTimestamp Event time Number, minimum value 946674000, maximum value 4294967295. By default, timestamp of receiving the event "eventTimestamp":"1577191920"
customUserId User identifier String, maximum size 1024 "customUserId":"1234"
ipv4 ipv4 address String, maximum size 15 "ipv4":""
ipv6 ipv6 address String, maximum size 45 "ipv6":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"
idGender Gender Number, possible values:
  • 0 — unknown
  • 1 — man
  • 2 — woman
age Age Number, maximum value 128 "age":"38"
connectionType Connection type Number, possible values:
  • 0 — unknown
  • 1 — mobile
  • 2 — wi-fi
By default, 0
bluetoothEnabled Bluetooth Number, possible values:
  • 0 — unknown
  • 1 — on
  • 2 — off
By default, 0

For mobile apps

instanceId S2S device identifier String, number of symbols 36 "instanceId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
adTrackingEnabled Tracking permission Number, possible values:
  • 1 — on
  • 0 — off
By default, 1
idfa iOS advertising identifier String, number of symbols 36 "idfa":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
iosVendorId iOS vendor identifier String, number of symbols 36 "iosVendorId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
gaid Android advertising identifier (advertisingId) String, number of symbols 36 "gaid":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
appSetId Android identifier, unique within a Google Play developer account String, number of symbols 36 "appSetId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
androidId Android identifier String, number of symbols 16 "androidId":"000000000000000"

For websites

lvid S2S device identifier String, number of symbols 32 "lvid":"00000000000000000000000000000000"
adBlocker Ad blocker Number, possible values:
  • 1 — on
  • 0 — off
By default, 0
userAgent User-Agent String, maximum size 2048 "userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.87 Safari/537.36"

For VK Mini Apps

customPlatformUserId User identifier in the VK platform (vk id) String
vkPlatform Platform type on which the event occurred String, possible values:
  • desktop_web
  • mobile_web
  • mobile_android
  • mobile_android_messenger
  • mobile_ipad
  • mobile_iphone
  • mobile_iphone_messenger

For VK Play

lvid S2S device identifier String, number of symbols 32 "lvid":"00000000000000000000000000000000"
sezamUserId User identifier in the VK Play platform Integer "sezamUserId": 123456789
hwid Desktop device identifier for apps on the VK Play platform, Hardware ID String with a positive number. Maximum possible value "18446744073709551615" "hwid":"17311996565727399517"

Example query

HTTP POST request:

curl https://tracker-s2s.my.com/v1/customEvent/?idApp=666 \
–k –X POST --header "Authorization: skjdfASFasf03asdffar3asJHB32r" \
-d '{"customUserId": "1", "customEventName": "levelUp",
"customEventParams": {"level": "2"}, "idGender": "1",
"age": "25", "eventTimestamp": "1580213208",
"instanceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"}'


$idApp = 666;
$token = 'skjdfASFasf03asdffar3asJHB32r';
$accountCredentials = new Credentials($token);
$customEventMethod = new CustomEventMethod($accountCredentials, $idApp);
   ->addCustomEventParam('level', '2')

$client = Client::getDefault();

Status codes

Code Response Description
200 {"message": "ОK"} The request was successfully processed
400 {"error": "Bad Request"} Request error, parameters not validated
403 {"error": "Forbidden"} The token has not been validated or is not suitable for the application
400 {"error": "Empty post data"} Empty request body
400 {"error": "Bad json"} Passed an invalid JSON file in the request body
400 {"error": "Bad api version"} Unsupported API version
404 {"error": "Method not found"} API method not found
500 {"error": "Internal Server Error"} Internal API error. Try to repeat the request later
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