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Sending conversions

Google describes conversion as any action that is valuable to your business, such as installing an app, making a payment, adding to cart, levelling up in a game, and so on. You can configure MyTracker to send any conversions to Google.

Once you set up conversions export, you will be able to:

  • See conversion data in Google Ads.
  • Leverage the Target CPA strategy in your campaigns to maximise conversions.
  • Create dynamic remarketing audiences.

Setting up conversions sending

MyTracker automatically sends basic conversions (first_open and session_start) to Google Ads, provided that you have specified the Link ID for the app:

  • first_open for an "Install" event
  • session_start for "Re-install" and "Re-engagement" events

Payments and custom event conversions need to be configured manually:

  1. If not already done, turn on app install tracking.
  2. In the Partner list under Google Ads click Settings.
  3. Select the app under Events sending. The list of standard and custom events that support postback configuration will be loaded into the form. For each event you want to send to Google, choose the sending mode:
    • Do not send;
    • Send attributed — to send conversions for users acquired through Google Ads.
    For Payment events select the mode: Send all or Verified only.
  4. For custom events, perform additional configuration steps as follows:
    • Select Application event name. Only the events that have already been tracked can be selected. The untracked events you can enter manually.
    • Specify the Partner event name. You can choose from a list of standard names provided by Google or select CUSTOM and enter any other name.
    • We do not recommend first_open and session_start, as these are the names of special events that MyTracker automatically exports upon an install (first_open), re-install (session_start), or re-engagement (session_start).

    • Add +event parameter to clarify the conditions for sending a postback. For example, you can send a "level up" postback only if the "level" parameter is "10".
    • Select all events that require a postback by clicking Add event.
  5. Once all the necessary fields are completed, click Save. MyTracker will automatically export test conversions to Google.
  6. Import test conversions into Google Ads.

Custom event conversions

MyTracker supports a set of standard events: installs and re-engagements that are automatically sent to Google Ads. And payments, which you can export on the Google Ads integration page.

Then there are custom events. They can be any events related to your app in particular, such as "product added to cart", "level up in a game", or "pageview". The export of these events to the server is controlled by the app developer. Custom events can be processed as conversions for use by Google.

First, we need to understand what custom events are and how to send them to the MyTracker server using our SDK: Android custom events | iOS custom events | Web custom events

Sending conversions to Google Ads

Once you know how to export custom events from the SDK, you can use them as conversions for Google.

Before a custom event can be used as a conversion event, MyTracker must receive at least one such event.

You can make this happen in one of three ways:

  • Wait for an event to happen organically (i.e. for a user to perform the required action). This is a good option if you have many users and the action is frequent.
  • Perform the required action from your own phone (if the process is not too lengthy).
  • Ask the developers to emulate event export.

When the MyTracker server receives the relevant event data, that event automatically appears on the Google Ads integration page.


If you have set up event export, but see no conversions in Google Ads:

If the events you are looking for do not appear on the Google Ads integration page

  • Make sure that MyTracker SDK has been integrated into you app.
  • Make sure that at least one event of the relevant type has been sent to MyTracker. To do this, generate a report in the Report builder with the necessary set of selectors:
    • Open the Report builder.
    • Add the Event name and Events selectors. You may find them using search (as shown below) or select them from the list as follows: DimensionsCustom eventsEvent name and DevicesCustom eventsEvents.
    • Click Calculate.
    • If the events are not found in the report, it means they have not occurred or there is a problem with SDK integration. Check again to make sure that the MyTracker SDK has been integrated into your app or contact our support team.

For more details on conversion tracking in Google Ads, refer to Google documentation

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