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User templates

MyTracker allows you to add your own template reports. You need not build the entire template from scratch; specifying just a few parameters may be enough (for example when you want to build similar reports for different data views, specifying time periods and metrics is enough).

Create template

  1. Select the Analytics > Templates menu.
  2. Click Add template.
  3. You can also build your templates in the Report builder that gives you immediate access to samples of template-based reports. Once the necessary parameters are set, click  Save as template or .

  4. Fill out the report template form as follows:
    • Title — enter your template name;
    • Folder — select folder to store your template (root catalogue is selected by default);
    • Period type — fixed period (for example, January 1-7) or sliding period (for example, last 7 days).
    • Report period — specify a time period to be covered by your report. For a fixed period, you need to select exact dates. For the sliding window, you can select one of the following values
      • the last X days (for example, 5 days)
      • X calendar weeks
      • X calendar months
      • X calendar quarters
      • 1-2 calendar years
    • The calendar period is the current week, month, quarter, or year. For example, if you build a report on January 7, the period of 1 calendar month is from January 1 to January 7. When you build the same report on January 27, the report period will be from January 1 to January 27. About the offset, see the note below.

    • Offset (only for the sliding period) — set the number of days that offset the period to the past. For example, if you build a report on January 7 for the last 5 days without offset, the report period will be January 3 to 7. The period offset by 2 days is January 1 to 5.
    • A calendar period with offset can be moved from the current week, month, quarter, or year to past periods. For example, if you build a report on January 7 offset by 10 days, the period of 1 calendar month is from December 1 to December 31. When you build the same report on January 17, the report period will be from January 1 to January 17.

    • Email subscription — set up a subscription, if desired.
  5. Specify selectors, filters, and settings for your report. For more details, refer to the the Builder section.
  6. Click Add.

Now, selecting a template using the Analytics → Templates menu is all it takes to generate a report. For more details, refer to the Report by template section.

Edit template

  1. Select the Analytics > Templates menu.
  2. In the relevant template line expand the list of actions and click  Edit.
  3. Edit template properties, subscription settings, and parameters as needed.
  4. Click Save or, if you want to generate your report right away, Save and calculate.

Delete template

  1. Select the Analytics > Templates menu.
  2. In the relevant template line expand the list of actions and click  Delete.

The selected template will be deleted. If a template-based report was included in an email subscription, that subscription will be cancelled automatically.

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