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Platform user tracking

MyTracker provides solutions for app analytics on platforms:

  • VK Mini Apps
  • VK Play

Where to start

To start tracking data, add your app to MyTracker:

VK Mini Apps

Tracking mini apps is in beta testing and available only to active clients who also use MyTracker for website or mobile app analytics. To start tracking, contact our support team. If your mini app meets certain criteria, we will connect it to MyTracker.

VK Play

Connect the game to MyTracker through the developer portal in VK Play. To learn more, see the Connecting account section.

Event tracking

VK Mini Apps

  • Launches of the app are automatically tracked by MyTracker.
  • Custom events can be sent to MyTracker via VK Bridge. Custom events are any events marked in your app: completing a form, levelling up, etc.
  • If the app supports its own authorization mechanism and the product is distributed not only as part of VK Mini Apps, but as a standalone mobile application or website, then the app developer can configure the transfer of user identifier customUserId and track authorizations and registrations in the project. For more details, refer to the User tracking section.

    Revenue tracking for mini apps is not supported yet

VK Play

  • Registrations, Sessions, and Transactions are automatically tracked by MyTracker.
  • For games with authorization via VK Play, logins to the game are also tracked (the Launches and Authorisations events are equivalent).
  • MyTracker automatically collects data about in-app payments and game purchases in VK Play.
  • Custom events can be passed to MyTracker via the S2S API. To send events, request an authentication key from our support team.
  • For a number of games on the platform, the transmission of some custom events is already configured, for example, adding to a wishlist, pre-ordering, or downloading a game in the GameCenter.

List of metrics available for tracking

The availability of metrics data depends on the specific application. For example, applications on the VK Play platform may be without authorization.

Metric VK Mini Apps VK Play
Attributions, New users
Launches, First launches
Sessions (Unique sessions, Average session duration, etc.)
Authorisations, First authorisations
Active users, active days, DAU, WAU, MAU, Return
Custom events
Retention, Rolling Retention
Churn Rate
Financial metrics (Revenue, DPU, ARPU, etc.)


VK Mini Apps

Attribution determines which ad clicks brought new users to the mini app.

Attribution is available for post-click conversions only. You can configure attribution settings for the project in which the mini app is added.

For VK Mini Apps, reattribution is also supported and allows you to determine which clicks brought users back to your mini app.

VK Play

Attribution determines the relationship between an ad click/view and a user's first interaction with a game (such as a purchase, registration, or adding a game to wishlist).

Attribution settings for VK Play are set by default and cannot be edited.

  • 7 days for Post click attribution
  • 1 day for Post view attribution

For games on the VK Play platform, reattribution is also supported, which allows you to link advertising interaction with the user’s return to the game after a period of inactivity.

Platform user analysis

MyTracker provides all the necessary tools to analyze and process data: Reports, Builder, Funnels, and others. For more information about all tools, see the Analytics section.

Platform user metrics (p)

Use platform user metrics to analyze VK Mini Apps and VK Play platforms with any tool.

In the Report builder, see the metrics on the Platform users tab. They have the superscript letters p (platform).

Additional metrics

VK Mini Apps

For applications on the VK Mini Apps platform, you can also use project user (u) metrics for cross-platform analytics. To analyze data, you need to pass customUserID in the application events. See the User tracking section for details.

An example of using application analytics on the VK Mini Apps platform and cross-platform project analytics:

  • New platform users p = 5. This means that five people interacted with the application for the first time.
  • New project users u = 1. This means that only one person is new to the project, meaning 4 others have already interacted with other applications in the project.

VK Play

In addition, you can use metrics by devices (d):

  • Pageviews d are views of the product card page on the VK Play site or GameCenter.
  • Events d are custom events, regardless of the authorization status of the platform user. Some events may occur without user authorization (for example, downloading the game installer in the GameCenter), so there may be more events by devices than by platform users.

Events by devices are attributed independently of the VK Play platform using web attribution.

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