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Application verification

The app verification allows to confirm the published application rights and provides authenticity and security of the uploaded data. If the app is not verified, MyTracker cannot receive SKAN postbacks for attribution on iOS 14.5+ devices and soon cannot accept data from integrated partners: clicks, impressions, campaign costs.

You can verify apps published on the App Store and Google Play. Other stores are currently under development.

Only users with the Owner or Manager role can enable or disable the application verification in MyTracker

App Store

How to get API Key in App Store Connect

To get API Key:

  1. Log into your account in App Store Connect.
  2. Go to the Users and access section and select the Integrations tab.
  3. In the App Store Connect API section click the button to add a key.
  4. In the opened form, enter the key name and select one of the roles from the Access drop-down list: Admin, App manager, and Developer.
  5. Click Generate.
  6. To download the file containing the API Key, click Download. Do not forget to copy Key ID and Issuer ID.

Use API Key to verify an application in MyTracker.

Verify iOS application

Add the copied identifiers and downloaded key to MyTracker to verify the published iOS application:

  1. From the applications list choose the application.
  2. On the Integration status tab, in the App verification row, click Verify.
  3. Specify in the form that opens:
    • Issuer ID — issuer ID in App Store Connect;
    • Key ID — key ID for access to App Store Connect API;
    • API Key — the key to access to App Store Connect API, which is used by MyTracker to send a verification request.
  4. Click Save.

MyTracker does not store the entered data. The API Key and identifiers are used once to verify the application.

Based on the specified API Key, MyTracker will receive a list of applications available to the user, then check this list for the verifying application. If the application is found, then the rights will be successfully confirmed.

After MyTracker verify the application successfully, the icon will be displayed next to the integration condition.

Google Play

How to get Google Play credentials

To get Google Play credentials:

  1. Create a project in the Google Cloud Console. You can skip this step if you have already created the project.
  2. Enable the Google Play API for your Google Cloud project.
  3. In the Google Cloud Console, search for the Service Accounts section and go to it.
  4. Click + Create service account.
  5. Type an account name in the first step, choose a role in the second (at least the Editor) and just click Done in the third step.
  6. In the Service Accounts section, click the link of the created account.
  7. On the Keys tab, select Add key → Create new key. Select the JSON and click Create. The keys will be automatically saved to your device.
  8. In the Google Play Console, go to the Users & Permissions section and click Invite new users.
  9. In the Email field, enter the email address of the service account created in step five.
  10. On the App permissions tab, Add app, which you want to verify.
  11. For the app, select the View app information checkbox. Click Apply.
  12. Click Invite user.

Credentials activation can take from 1 to 24 hours since you got access to application verification

Use Google Play credentials to verify an application in MyTracker.

Verify Android application

Add Google Play credentials to MyTracker to verify application:

  1. From the applications list choose choose the application.
  2. On the Integration status tab, in the App verification row, click Verify.
  3. In the Google Play Credentials field, upload the json file you created.
  4. MyTracker does not store the entered data. Credentials are used once to verify the application.

  5. To verify payments together with the application, select the Also verify payments checkbox. Ensure that on step 9 of the How to get Google Play credentials section, you selected the View financial data and Manage orders and subscriptions checkboxes necessary for issuing rights to verify payments.
  6. Click Save.

Based on the specified credentials, MyTracker will receive a list of applications available to the user, then check this list for the verifying application. If the application is found, then the rights will be successfully confirmed.

After MyTracker verify the application successfully, the icon will be displayed next to the integration condition.

Disable verification

You can disable verification at any moment you want. For example, in case MyTracker finds an app duplicate that you need to verify instead of the current application.

  1. From the applications list, choose the app for which you need to disable verification.
  2. On the Integration status tab, click the App verification row.
  3. Click Disable verification and approve verification disabling.

Verification will be disabled, and MyTracker will no longer receive SKAN postback and aggregated data from ad partners. You can always re-verify your application if needed.


I want to verify an app, but MyTracker found the verified duplicate of my application. What should I do?

If you have access and edit permissions, then you can simply disable verification of the unnecessary application and verify the application you need. Remember that MyTracker will no longer receive SKAN postbacks and aggregated data from ad partners for the unnecessary application.

If you have access but no edit permissions, you can ask a colleague with the Owner or Manager role to disable verification of the duplicated application.

If you do not have access, then probably someone who has access to the Google Play Console or App Store Connect verified it. Likely it is your colleague. First, we recommend contacting your colleagues or our support team.

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