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Export a path

You can export user or device identifiers from the selected path node to the CSV file. The obtained identifiers can be used for marketing communications, sending to ad networks, or uploading to your systems.

Only account owners and users with export permissions can export nodes from the diagram. For details, see User management.

  1. In the user paths list, select the path and on the opened page click Export.
  2. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the path cannot be exported if it includes personal user data: gender, age

  3. Select the Step and Node for export. The export form shows only the steps and nodes that are expanded in the diagram.
  4. Set up the export file.
  5. Click Export.

Set up export file

  1. Select Identifiers for the export. The list of available identifiers depends on the audience type in a path.
    Device identifiers
    idApp App identifier in MyTracker
    idProfile Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+individual device
    gaid Android advertising identifier (advertisingId)
    idfa iOS advertising identifier
    oaid Huawei advertising identifier
    User identifiers
    idProject Project identifier in MyTracker
    idProjectUser User identifier in the project. It defines a pair of project + user (idProject + CustomUserId)
    CustomUserID User identifier sent via SDK. It defines an individual user
    By default, all available identifiers are selected, as shown in the picture below.
  2. Enable the Remove headers option if you need to exclude column headers from the file. The column header is the first row with IDs names.
  3. Select one of the Register options:
    • Do not modify (default) — identifiers will be exported in the register they were received by the system.
    • Common — identifiers remain in the register recommended by the device manufacturer: IDFA — upper case, GAID — lower case, OAID — lower case.
    • Lower case — identifiers are converted to lower case.
    • Upper case — identifiers are converted to upper case.

    Register settings apply only to IDFA, GAID, and OAID identifiers.

  4. Select the Hashing algorithm (MD5 or SHA-256) to transform the identifiers during the node export or leave the default choice. Hashing is available only for the following identifiers:
    • IDFA;
    • GAID;
    • OAID;
    • CustomUserID.

    Other identifiers remain unhashed.

  5. Use the Maximum size per file field to split the export into multiple files of the specified size. The size of each export file in the uncompressed format will match the value specified in the field. Set the file size between 10 and 4 095 MB to split the export into multiple files.

Export result

As a result, you will get a CSV file inside the ZIP-archive containing multiple files. If the file is too large, we will send you an email with a link to the file.

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