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Conversion value

SKAdNetwork conversion value (integer in the range 0 to 63), the meaning of which is determined by the ad network or the app. The conversion value helps you determine events after conversions and evaluate the campaign results.

Unknown means that an ad network does not pass conversion value, or you build a report for data not related to SKAdNetwork, for example, for Android apps.

For more details, refer to the Conversion value section

SKAN version

The SKAdNetwork version, for example, 3.0 or 2.2 (see SKAdNetwork Release Notes).

SKAdNetwork (SKAN) is Apple's framework that helps to measure the success of ad campaigns while maintaining user privacy. Learn more

SKAN format

The format of the ad presentation that lead to the SKAN conversion.

  • 0 – View-though ads
  • 1 – Storekit-rendered ads

See Apple documentation.

SKAdNetwork (SKAN) is Apple's framework that helps to measure the success of ad campaigns while maintaining user privacy. Learn more

SKAN source app

The app that displays the ad that led to the SKAN conversion.

SKAdNetwork (SKAN) is Apple's framework that helps to measure the success of ad campaigns while maintaining user privacy. Learn more

SKAN conversion type

The type of conversion that helps to distinguish the new audience from re-engaged users:

  • First conversions (first installs)
  • Redownloads (re-installs)

SKAdNetwork (SKAN) is Apple's framework that helps to measure the success of ad campaigns while maintaining user privacy. Learn more

SKAN conversions

Number of conversions (analogs of Installs and Re-installs) attributed to ad networks according to the SKAdNetwork.

MyTracker can collect data from integrated SKAN partners and directly from Apple. This metric shows the number of conversions based on all collected data, excluding duplicates.

SKAdNetwork (SKAN) is Apple's framework that helps to measure the success of ad campaigns while maintaining user privacy. Learn more

SKAN conversions from Partner

Number of conversions according to data from partners.

MyTracker receives data only from integrated SKAN partners listed in the documentation

SKAN conversions from Apple

Number of conversions according to raw data from Apple.

MyTracker receives Apple data only if an app developer has configured to send SKAdNetwork postback copies

SKAN redownloads

Number of redownloads attributed to ad networks according to the SKAdNetwork data received. A redownload means the user installed the app again (this is not the first install).

SKAdNetwork (SKAN) is Apple's framework that helps to measure the success of ad campaigns while maintaining user privacy. Learn more

SKAN redownloads from Apple

Number of redownloads according to data from Apple. Redownload means the user installed the app again (this is not the first install).

MyTracker receives Apple data only if an app developer has configured to send SKAdNetwork postback copies

Total conversion value

The sum of conversion values.

If you build a report with Conversion value, Total conversion value will be calculated separately for each value:

Conversion value SKAN conversions Total conversion value
1 3 3
3 2 6
10 1 10
Total 6 19

If you build a report without Conversion value, Total conversion value will be the sum of all conversion values:

SKAN conversions Total conversion value
6 19

For more details, refer to the Conversion value section

Cost per conversion

The average cost per one SKAdNetwork conversion.
Cost per conversion = Campaign cost / SKAN conversions (number of conversions).

SKAdNetwork (SKAN) is Apple's framework that helps to measure the success of ad campaigns while maintaining user privacy. Learn more


SKAdNetwork Conversion Rate (SKAN CR) measures the ratio of SKAN conversions to Clicks. It's calculated as the percentage ratio of the sum for the report period of SKAN conversions / Clicks.

SKAdNetwork (SKAN) is Apple's framework that helps to measure the success of ad campaigns while maintaining user privacy. Learn more

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