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App stores

You can publish your mobile app on multiple application stores: Google Play, App Store, RuStore, AppGallery, and others. The published app attracts more users and provides new opportunities for advertising.

Add the link to an app store page in MyTracker to access the following features:

Supported stores#复制链接

MyTracker supports all Android app stores and the App Store for iOS.

Currently, MyTracker has restrictions on app and payment verification, which are available for App Store and Google Play and are under development for other stores.

MyTracker features App Store Google Play AppGallery RuStore Other stores
Smart tracking links
Deep links
Payment verification
App verification
Partner integrations

Add a link to the store#复制链接

To add a link to App Store, Google Play, AppGallery, or RuStore:

  1. In the application list, choose a necessary row, expand the list of actions and click  Edit.
  2. On the App stores tab, select the store where your app is published.
  3. In the opened window, specify the link to the app store page.
  4. Check the entered URL. After you add a link, you cannot edit it.

  5. Click Add.

The link will be added to the list of app stores, and to the list of entry points. You can use it in tracking and deep links for app advertising.

For more details on connecting an application from RuStore, see the RuStore integration section

Add a link to another store#复制链接

To add a link to another store:

  1. In the application list, choose a necessary row, expand the list of actions and click  Edit.
  2. On the App stores tab, click Other app stores.
  3. Fill out the form:
    • Link to your app — the link to the app store page. For example, https://apps.samsung.com/myapp.
    • Check the entered URL. After you add a link, you cannot edit it.

    • App store name — the name that will be displayed in the list of stores. For example, Samsung Galaxy Store.
    • Package name — the unique name to identify the Android app on mobile devices and app stores. For example, com.example.app123. You can find the package name in the AndroidManifest.xml file of your app.
  4. Click Add.

The link will be added to the list of app stores, and to the list of entry points. You can use it in tracking links and deep links for app advertising.


What to do if the package name does not match#复制链接

The package name identifies the Android app in Google Play and other app stores.

If the store package names do not match, add them to MyTracker as separate applications in the same project. Each application will have its own MyTracker SDK key, which you can use in the following ways:

  • Use separate SDKs for different app stores. In this case, MyTracker will receive stats separately for each app.
  • Use the same SDK key in different stores. In this case, MyTracker will receive stats for all stores in one application, which key is integrated in the APK.

The main goal is to add applications to a single project to uniquely identify users and generate stats on the whole project audience.

What to do if MyTracker finds a duplicate#复制链接

If MyTracker finds a duplicate when you are adding the link, we recommend avoiding duplicate data and choosing one of the options:

  • Use the found application and move the current one to the archive.
  • Move the found application to the archive and continue to use the current one.

If MyTracker finds a duplicate for Android, check the store list on the page of the found application — probably you need to add a link to the new store. See how to add an Android app, published in multiple stores.

If you decide to create a duplicate, it might be difficult to verify the application, collect aggregate data from ad partners, and obtain SKAN postbacks.

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