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Postback parameters

Use parameters in postback URL templates to send additional information to the partner. Parameters can be assigned fixed values or macros that pass dynamic data from tracking links, device information, application event parameters, and partner integration settings.

For example, in this URL template

  • 123 — fixed value (constant)
  • {mt_idfa} — device identifier macro
  • {mt_event_ts} — event timestamp macro
  • {mt_payment_sum_src} — payment sum macro

Before sending a postback to your partner, MyTracker automatically replaces macros with specific values. For example, the above template may turn into such a URL:
with following replacements:

  • {mt_event_ts} → 1505486690
  • {mt_payment_sum_src} → 5.9999

Parameter types in postbacks

The following parameters can be passed in postbacks:

  • Constant is a specific value, sent to a partner without changes.
  • Tracking link parameter is any GET-parameter that is passed in partner's tracking links. When setting up the postback, you should specify the name of the parameter from the tracking link in the "parameter name" field. When sending a postback, the value of this parameter will be passed.
  • SubID parameters are MyTracker parameters that can be used for additional granularity on traffic sources within a single tracking link:
    • mt_network
    • mt_campaign
    • mt_adset
    • mt_creative
    • mt_medium
    • mt_sub1, mt_sub2, mt_sub3, mt_sub4, mt_sub5
    For more details, refer to the SubID and UTM parameters section.
  • MyTracker system parameters are parameters through which you can pass data that is already in MyTracker: device identifiers, event parameters, user information, etc. Like SubID, they have the mt_ prefix.
  • Custom event parameter. When sending a postback, the value of the specified event parameter is substituted. They have the mtep_ prefix.
  • JSON is required for partners that accept postback parameters as JSON object. They have the mtj_ prefix.
  • Platform dependent constant allows to send a specified value dependent on the application platform. Platform values should be written to a JSON object using the mtpc_ prefix.
  • Campaign parameters are the value of a unique key associated with a specific partner campaign. When setting up postback, parameters are automatically pulled up in the drop-down list of parameter types from the Campaign Parameters tab and have the mtpp_ prefix. See the Campaign parameters section.
  • Custom partner parameters. For some partners, the postback must contain a unique advertiser/application key (for example, VK Ads, Liftoff). The value of this parameter for each application is specified when configuring event sending. The parameter macro with the mtap_ prefix and the partner name will be automatically added to the drop-down list of parameter types when setting up postbacks.

MyTracker system parameters

List of MyTracker system parameter macros that can be used in postbacks:

Device info

Macros Description Example
{mt_idfa} Device IDFA (only iOS) 82706CAC-3B4C-4C76-A9CB-B23F80D87692
{mt_waid} Device WAID (only Windows) 82706CAC-3B4C-4C76-A9CB-B23F80D87692
{mt_gaid} Device advertising id or GAID (only Android) 82706CAC-3B4C-4C76-A9CB-B23F80D87692
{mt_gaid_lc} Lowercased device advertising id or GAID (only Android) 82706cac-3b4c-4c76-a9Cb-b23f80d87692
{mt_idfa_or_gaid} IDFA, or advertising_id (GAID): depends on the platform (Android/iOS) 82706CAC-3B4C-4C76-A9CB-B23F80D87692
{mt_idfa_upper_or_gaid_lower} Uppercased IDFA, or lowercased GAID, depends on the platform (Android/iOS) 82706CAC-3B4C-4C76-A9CB-B23F80D87692
{mt_android_id} Device android_id (only Android) 96c504a0a4f0bb19
{mt_idfv} ios_vendor_id or "app + device" pair (only iOS) 82706CAC-3B4C-4C76-A9CB-B23F80D87692
{mt_oaid} Device OAID (only Huawei Store) 82706CAC-3B4C-4C76-A9CB-B23F80D87692
{mt_oaid_lc} Lowercased device OAID (only Huawei Store) 82706cac-3b4c-4c76-a9Cb-b23f80d87692
{mt_app_set_id} Device App set ID (only Android) 82706CAC-3B4C-4C76-A9CB-B23F80D87692
{mt_mna_id} Device mna (only Windows) 82706CAC-3B4C-4C76-A9CB-B23F80D87692
{mt_wna_id} Device wna (only Windows) 82706CAC-3B4C-4C76-A9CB-B23F80D87692
{mt_device_manufacturer} Device manufacturer Apple
{mt_device_model} Device model iPhone 6
{mt_mobile_operator} Device mobile network operator vodafone
{mt_mobile_operator_sim} Device SIM mobile network operator vodafone
{mt_os} OS Android, iOS или Windows android | ios | windows
{mt_os_lang} OS two-letter language code in the ISO 639-1 format en
{mt_os_lang_raw} OS language in the device event format en
{mt_os_version} OS version 1.0.2

Hashed device IDs

Macros Description Example
{mt_sha1_idfa_lower} SHA1 of lowercased IDFA (only iOS) f43d5ab20a7a56224fe43ef3219abe8b97c8bcca
{mt_sha1_idfa_upper} SHA1 of uppercased IDFA (only iOS) 41175be1cf9d542fb47c1544d1a5a101f62b151b
{mt_sha1_waid_lower} SHA1 of lowercased WAID (only Windows) f43d5ab20a7a56224fe43ef3219abe8b97c8bcca
{mt_sha1_waid_upper} SHA1 of uppercased WAID(only Windows) 41175be1cf9d542fb47c1544d1a5a101f62b151b
{mt_sha1_gaid_lower} SHA1 of lowercased GAID (only Android) f43d5ab20a7a56224fe43ef3219abe8b97c8bcca
{mt_sha1_gaid_upper} SHA1 of uppercased GAID (only Android) 41175be1cf9d542fb47c1544d1a5a101f62b151b
{mt_sha1_idfa_upper_or_gaid_lower} SHA1 of uppercased IDFA, or SHA1 of lowercased GAID, depends on the platform (Android/iOS) 41175be1cf9d542fb47c1544d1a5a101f62b151b
{mt_sha1_android_id_lower} SHA1 of lowercased android_id (only Android) f43d5ab20a7a56224fe43ef3219abe8b97c8bcca
{mt_sha1_android_id_upper} SHA1 of uppercased android_id (only Android) 41175be1cf9d542fb47c1544d1a5a101f62b151b
{mt_sha1_idfv_lower} SHA1 of lowercased ios_vendor_id (only iOS) f43d5ab20a7a56224fe43ef3219abe8b97c8bcca
{mt_sha1_idfv_upper} SHA1 of uppercased ios_vendor_id (only iOS) 41175be1cf9d542fb47c1544d1a5a101f62b151b
{mt_sha1_mna_id_lower} SHA1 of lowercased mna (only Windows) f43d5ab20a7a56224fe43ef3219abe8b97c8bcca
{mt_sha1_mna_id_upper} SHA1 of uppercased mna (only Windows) 41175be1cf9d542fb47c1544d1a5a101f62b151b
{mt_sha1_wna_id_lower} SHA1 of lowercased wna (only Windows) f43d5ab20a7a56224fe43ef3219abe8b97c8bcca
{mt_sha1_wna_id_upper} SHA1 of uppercased wna (only Windows) 41175be1cf9d542fb47c1544d1a5a101f62b151b

App info

Macros Description Example
{mt_app_id} Unique app ID at MyTracker 123456
{mt_app_title} Title app at MyTracker Mail, iOS
{mt_app_key} App SDK key at MyTracker (key, used in SDK) 03584768807587406771
{mt_app_version} App version 1.0.2
{mt_tracker_sdk_version} MyTracker SDK version 3.0.6
{mt_bundle_id} bundle_id of the app Android: com.my.mail
iOS: com.my.mail
Windows: —
{mt_external_id} The external identifier of the published application. For iOS, it is the numeric app identifier in the App Store. For Android, it is the app identifier in one of the stores: Google Play, Huawei AppGallery, RuStore, Other store. The priority of the stores decreases in the above specified order — that means the Google Play identifier will be selected primarily, then Huawei AppGallery if the link to Google Play is not added to MyTracker, and so on. Android: com.example.myapp
iOS: 123456789
{mt_appgallery_id} The unique app identifier (External ID) in the Huawei AppGallery store C111111111

User info

Macros Description Example
{mt_profile_id} Unique install ID 123456
{mt_app_user_id} User identifier in the platform app. It defines a pair of app + platform user 10
{mt_install_ts} Unix-timestamp of the install 1505486690
{mt_install_ip} IPv4-address in string format, from where the install happened
{mt_install_ipv4_or_ipv6} IPv4-address or IPv6-address in string format, from where the install happened 2a01:e0a:516:da30:99aa:beaf:8af6:bdac
{mt_install_country_code} The ISO 3166-1 two-letter country code CA
{mt_click_id} The attribution click ID mt-phjpd1-1583488679-3026497808
{mt_click_ts} Unix-timestamp of the attribution click 1505486690
{mt_att_status} App Tracking Transparency Status (only for iOS 14+):
0 — unknown (no status information)
1 — not determined (before a permission request)
2 — restricted (device does not prompt for tracking permission)
3 — denied
4 – authorized

Event info

Macros Description Example
{mt_event_name} Event name LevelComplete
{mt_event_ts} Unix-timestamp of the event 1505486690
{mt_event_ts_utc} Datetime of the event in UTC with format [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z 2021-01-01T14:44:50Z
{mt_event_ip} IPv4-address of the event in string format
{mt_event_ipv4_or_ipv6} IPv4-address or IPv6-address of the event in string format 2a01:e0a:516:da30:99aa:beaf:8af6:bdac
{mt_event_country_code} Two-letter country code of the event CA
{mt_event_partner_attribution} The event attributed by a postback partner 1
{mt_event_user_id} User identifier sent via SDK 00u00s00e00r
{mt_event_connection_type} Connection type at the time of event transmission (Unknown, Mobile, WiFi) WiFi
{mt_event_custom_params_json} Custom event parameters in JSON format {"param":"value"}

Payment info

Macros Description Example
{mt_transaction_id} Payment transaction ID GPA.3473-5367-4352-12345 (random string)
{mt_currency_code} The ISO 4217 three-letter currency code CAD
{mt_payment_sum_rub} Payment sum converted to Russian Rubles at the payment date exchange rate 5.9999
{mt_payment_sum_src} Payment sum in original currency 5.9999
{mt_payment_sum_usd} Payment sum converted to USD at the payment date exchange rate 5.9999
{mt_payment_sum_eur} Payment sum converted to EUR at the payment date exchange rate 5.9999
{mt_payment_sum_app} Payment sum converted to app currency at the payment date exchange rate 5.9999

Postback info

Macros Description Example
{mt_now_ts} Unix-timestamp of the moment when postback is sent 1505486690

Traffic info

Macros Description Example
{mt_traffic_source} Campaign partner in MyTracker Google
{mt_traffic_type} Traffic type in MyTracker Paid
{mt_full_click_url} Full url click or deep link with all parameters https%3A%2F%2Ftrk.mail.ru%2Fc%2F111111%3Fparam1%3Dvalue1
{mt_campaign_id} The ad campaign ID at MyTracker 123456
{mt_campaign_title} The ad campaign title at MyTracker Search: Google
{mt_tracking_link_id} The tracking link ID at MyTracker 123456
{mt_tracking_link_title} The tracking link title at MyTracker Mail, iOS, Google

Attribution info

Macros Description Example
{mt_attribution_by_partner} Attributed by a postback partner 1
{mt_attribution_by_post_click} Attributed by a post click 1
{mt_attribution_by_post_view} Attributed by a post view 1
{mt_attribution_event_type} Attribution type click
{mt_attribution_detect_type} Attribution method referrer
{mt_attribution_ts} Unix-timestamp of an attribution event 1505486690
{mt_attribution_ip} IPv4-address in string format
{mt_attribution_country_code} The ISO 3166-1 two-letter country code CA
{mt_attribution_android_referrer} Attribution android referrer some_campaign
{mt_attribution_device_ua} User-Agent in attribution link Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh)
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