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Payment verification

The payment verification provides protection of payment data and transaction authentication.

MyTracker can send a request for each tracked transaction to App Store and Google Play servers, you just need to add a key for payment verification — credentials. After adding credentials, you can build reports and view stats on both real payments and unverified purchases.

You can verify in-app payments and subscriptions from the app published on App Store and Google Play. Other stores are currently under development.

To build a report on verified payments with the Builder ,use the Financial dimensions → Verification metric and the Other filters → Financial metrics → Verification filter

App Store

How to get App Store credentials

To get App Store credentials:

  1. In App Store Connect, pick your app.
  2. Go to FeaturesSubscriptions.
  3. In the App-Specific Shared Secret section, click Manage.
  4. Click Generate to create credentials and copy the code from the Shared Secret column.

Use credentials to configure payment verification in MyTracker.

Verify iOS payments

Add App Store credentials you previously copied to configure payment verification in MyTracker:

  1. From the applications list choose the application.
  2. On the Integration status tab, in the App verification row, click Verify.
  3. Specify App store credentials in the form that opens.
  4. Click Save.

After MyTracker verify payments successfully, the icon will be displayed next to the integration condition.

All payments tracked after you add credentials will be verified on App Store servers.

If necessary, you can edit already added credentials. To do this, go to the condition row and click Edit credentials. In the form that opens, click Edit and add new App store credentials, and MyTracker will overwrite old credentials with new ones.

Google Play

How to get Google Play credentials

To get Google Play credentials:

  1. Create a project in the Google Cloud Console. You can skip this step if you have already created the project.
  2. Enable the Google Play API for your Google Cloud project.
  3. In the Google Cloud Console, search for the Service Accounts section and go to it.
  4. Click + Create service account.
  5. Type an account name in the first step, choose a role in the second (at least the Editor) and just click Done in the third step.
  6. In the Service Accounts section, click the link of the created account.
  7. On the Keys tab, select Add key → Create new key. Select the JSON and click Create. The keys will be automatically saved to your device.
  8. In the Google Play Console, go to the Users & Permissions section and click Invite new users.
  9. In the Email field, enter the email address of the service account created in step five.
  10. On the App permissions tab, Add app which payments need to be verified.
  11. For all apps, select the View app information, View financial data, and Manage orders and subscriptions checkboxes for access to verification by credentials-file. Click Apply.
  12. Click Invite user.

Credentials activation can take from 1 to 24 hours since you got access to payment verification

Use credentials to configure payment verification in MyTracker.

Verify Android payments

Add Google Play credentials you previously received to configure payment verification in MyTracker:

  1. From the applications list choose the application.
  2. On the Integration status tab, in the App verification row, click Verify.
  3. Upload the Google Play credentials json file you created within the step 5 of the Get Google Play credentials instruction.
  4. (optional) Set a daily verification limit for MyTracker on a project or application:
    • Application limit — set the limit for MyTracker on the number of application payment verifications. The "0" value means it has set no limits.
    • Project limit — set the limit for MyTracker on the number of payment verifications in a Google APIs Console project. The set limits will be applied to all applications in a Google APIs Console project. The "0" value means that it has set no limits.
  5. The project limit relates only to Google APIs Console projects and not applicable to MyTracker projects

  6. Select the Also verify application checkbox to verify the application if needed. This allows together with payments to confirm the published application rights and provides security of the uploaded data. For more details, refer to the Application verification section.
  7. Click Save.

After successful verification configuration, the icon will be displayed next to the integration condition.

All payments tracked after you add credentials will be verified on Google Play servers.

Google Play provides a certain number of payment verification requests. In MyTracker, you can set a daily limit for payment verifications and control their number for each MyTracker application or Google APIs Console project. Once MyTracker reaches the limit, it will delay the processing of the remaining payment verification requests until the next day.

You can submit a request to Google Play Help on the daily limits increase for the number of payment verifications for a Google APIs Console project or MyTracker application, and then, if needed, increase the request limit for MyTracker

If necessary, you can edit already added credentials. To do this, go to the condition row and click Edit credentials. In the form that opens, click Edit and upload the json file with new Google Play credentials, and MyTracker will overwrite old credentials with new ones.

Verification troubleshooting

The access key error

The app for which you want to verify payments cannot make a request to Google Play Developer API because of the absence of Google Play Developer Console binding. Probably this happened because of your credentials, that is why you need to update them.

The Google PLay Console permissions error

Probably you have insufficient rights to make requests in Google Developer API. Make sure that you configured the necessary permissions in Google Play Console > Settings > API Access > Service Accounts and waited 24 hours after that. Or you can edit the app in Google PLay Console to perform permissions' forced update.

What will happen with incoming payments while the error is not fixed?

MyTracker will record payments as unverified. As soon as you update credentials or get verification permissions, all unverified payments will be automatically verified.

To build the report on unverified payments with the Builder , use the Financial dimensions → Verification metric and the Other filters → Financial metrics → Verification → Unverified filter.

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