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Tracking link parameters

Use parameters to get additional information about the source of traffic on the tracking link.

Parameters are specified in the key=value format and are separated from each other by &. Parameters can be assigned fixed values or macros, which are needed to replace parameter values and dynamically fill the data.

SubID and UTM parameters

The parameters SubID and UTM passed in the tracking links provide information about the ad network, campaign, and ad group. You can analyze this data using the report dimensions, that include UTM parameters or custom MyTracker parameters (SubID mt_) in the following correspondence:

Dimension in reports UTM SubID Description
SubID Network utm_source mt_network Traffic source / ad partner. For example, google.
SubID Medium utm_medium mt_medium Traffic type. For example, cpa.
SubID Campaign utm_campaign mt_campaign Campaign name. For example, sale.
SubID Creative utm_content mt_creative Campaign content. For example, block4.
SubID Ad Set utm_term mt_adset Key phrase. For example, buy_product.

MyTracker also supports 5 additional detail parameters:
mt_sub1, mt_sub2, mt_sub3, mt_sub4, mt_sub5.

For traffic markup, we recommend using parameters with names to indicate ad networks, campaigns, ad sets, and creatives. Use numbered parameters only if 5 levels of detail are not sufficient.


Macros allow you to avoid manually entering parameter values for each link. When the tracking link is triggered, the advertising platform will substitute the actual parameter value instead of the macro.

For example, when using such a link in VK Ads:
the name of the ad group will be substituted instead of {{campaign_name}}.

The list and type of macros for each advertising network is usually different from the others, and not all platforms can support them. The current list of macros is located on the Partner integration page on the Macros tab.

For integrated partners (indicated by the symbol ), parameters are configured by default and are automatically added to the created tracking links.

Correspondence of SubID parameters and integrated partner macros:

SubID parameter Examples of different integrated partners Yandex Direct Bidease Vungle Hybe
mt_campaign Campaign name or equivalent {campaign_name} {{.CampaignTitle}} {{{campaign_name}}}
mt_adset Intermediate level of hierarchy between campaign and ad/creative. For example: name of ad group, segment, placement format {keyword} {{.CreativeType}} {creative_type}
mt_creative Ad/creative title or keywords for text ads {{{creative}}}
mt_network Additional division of the traffic source within the partner. For example, Placement, Network, Exchange, SSP {source_type} {{.Exchange}} {ssp}
mt_sub1 Display/click location, if available (for example, bandle, app name, or website) {source} {{.AppBundle}} {{{pub_app_market_id}}} {bundle_id}
mt_sub2 Additional ad space macro {{{site_name}}} {pub_id}
mt_sub3 Creative/ad ID {ad_id} {{.CreativeHash}} {{{creative_id}}} {ad_id}
mt_sub4 Ad group/segment ID or other additional identifiers {gbid} {id_ssp}
mt_sub5 Campaign ID {campaign_id} {campaign_id}

You can change the parameter values in tracking links, but for the following partners you must leave mt_sub5 unchanged to collect stats from advertising accounts:

If you need to add macros to already integrated partners, contact our support team.

For new partners that you connected yourself, you can set up templates with macros. For more details, see the Partner macros section.

Service parameters

Additional parameters that can be passed in links:

  • For attribution of traffic from advertising networks — mt_idfa и mt_gaid.
  • For partners who use links in the client-side, no redirect mode — mt_no_redirect, in the server-side, no redirect (s2s) mode — mt_s2s, mt_device_ip, mt_device_ua, mt_ts.
  • To pass the cost of campaigns — mt_cost_currency, mt_cost_value, mt_cost_count, mt_cost_model. For more details, see Campaign cost > Tracking links.

Other service parameters that may be useful to advertisers:

Parameter Description
mt_fallback The address to which a user with an unsupported platform will be redirected. This parameter is for mobile applications only.

For example, if the smart link supports only iOS, then in case of switching from an Android device, the user will be redirected to the URL specified in the parameter. The parameter takes precedence over the Fallback URL added when creating the tracking link, which allows you not to restart it if you need to change the URL.

Important: Only the full fallback can be passed in this link. Templating is not supported. Only the following characters can be used in the unpacked parameter: -0-9a-zA-Z:/_?&=%+#.
mt_deeplink Deferred deep link. This parameter is for mobile applications only.

If the parameter is passed, it takes precedence over the deep link specified in the tracking link during creation. This allows you not to create a new one if you need to change the deep link in an already active campaign.

Important: Only the full deep link can be passed in this link. Templating is not supported. Only the following characters can be used in the unpacked parameter: -0-9a-zA-Z:/_?&=%+#.

Supplying parameters to target URLs and deep links

All supported utm_ and mt_ parameters from the tracking link are passed to the target URL. To pass parameters to a deep link, use templates.

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