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Fraud detection

We recommend regular monitoring of fraud metrics to detect critical indicators, recognize fraudulent schemes, and find the source of bad traffic.

  1. Open Fraud Scanner.
  2. Use filters Project, App and Partner if needed. By default, the report includes data for all applications and ad partners.
  3. In the Period field, set the report period. Fraud will be shown for installs/site visits made in the selected period.

You can download a graph using the button, customize data display type and hours/days/weeks/months detailing. To analyze fraud in details, click to go to the Builder.

A brief description of Fraud Scanner reports is given below.

Fraud metrics

The graph displays incoming mobile and web-traffic checked for fraud according to strict, confident, and soft fraud metrics or strict and soft web fraud metrics accordingly.

Combined fraud

The graph displays data that sums up the combined fraud and its share in the total volume of the traffic.

Fraud types

The graph displays fraud types: hardware fraud, click fraud, and in-app fraud.

Fraud by Partners

The graph displays fraud detected according strict metric and grouped by a partner.

Fraud by Sources

The graph displays the share of clean and fraud traffic grouped by a partner.

Time to install

The graph displays the time from impression/click on an ad to install. Too quick or too long installs may indicate fraud.

For information on building and analyzing reports, see the Fraud analysis in the Builder section

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