


A workspace where you can manage:

  • projects and apps
  • lists of partners and traffic types
  • access rights of MyTracker users

One user can work with several accounts, and one account may be used by many users. Learn more

Active user

A user for whom at least one event was logged during the selected period: a registration, authorization, launch, website visit, in-app impression, or payment.

Payment includes a purchase, subscription, subscription renewal, or custom revenue


A mobile app or website with which users interact.
MyTracker supports any application, be it a website or a mobile app distributed via an app store, platforms, or independently. Learn more

App verification

The process of ownership confirmation for the published application. The verification provides authenticity and security of the uploaded app data. Learn more

AT metric

One of the four metric types. Attribution time (AT) metrics represent events that occur before the next attribution time on devices, attributed during the chosen report period. AT metrics allow you to view stats on an audience acquired via a certain ad campaign over a given period. Learn more


The process of matching new users with acquisition sources. Attribution allows you to identify the ad campaigns, partners, and channels that generated new installs, user registrations, or the first website visits. Learn more

Attribution type

A type of advertising interaction leading to attribution:

Attribution window

The period before a user acquisition during which click or impression attribution can happen. In other words, it is the period when MyTracker can identify the ad campaign that has brought in a new user. Learn more

CA metric

One of the four metric types. Current Attribution (CA) metrics represent events that occur during the report period within the relevant attribution. CA metrics allow you to view stats related to specific traffic sources. Learn more


A component of advertising management for which a partner, traffic type, and tariffs are specified. Can feature one or more tracking links. Learn more

Campaign parameters

Integration parameters whose values a partner expects to get in postbacks. These values vary between campaigns, allowing your partner to sort data by customers. In postbacks, a macro for campaign parameters within a URL template begin with {mtpp_ ... Learn more


The share of users who were not active in a certain period. These are users who interacted with the app during the report period, but did not do so on any device after a different specified period (d — days, w — weeks, m — months). Learn more

Custom event

Events that are specific to an app (adding to cart, registering for a test drive, and so on).

App developers can name custom events and set their parameters, except for events that are preconfigured in the MyTracker SDK (registration, login, invite, and levelling up).

Learn more for iOS, Android, Unity, Flutter, React Native, and Web platforms

A link to specific content within an app. Can be either:

  • a regular deep link (for users who have already installed an app) or
  • a deferred deep link (will take new users to specific content right after they install and launch the app).

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A physical device (smartphone, laptop, etc.). MyTracker defines devices with the following identifiers:

  • idDevice is an identifier of an individual device (generated by MyTracker automatically). It identifies the physical device (the browser in the case of web apps).
  • idProfile is a device identifier in the app (generated by MyTracker automatically). It identifies an app+device pair (idApp+idDevice).


One of the selector types. It breaks down data by user age, device model, partner, and so on. Learn more

Entry point

An app’s URL that can be used as the target URL of an ad campaign.

An app can have multiple entry points: a page in an application store, a landing page, or any in-app page. A predefined list of entry points will save you the hassle of searching for the desired URL when setting up an ad campaign. Learn more


Any action performed by a user within an app, such as an install, sign-up, or payment. All actions can be tracked via the SDK or server-to-server API.

Learn more about event tracking on iOS, Android, Unity, Flutter, React Native, Web, or S2S

Flow metric

One of the four metric types. Flow metrics represent events that occur during the selected report period. These metrics show what happened in a particular time and allow you to track the overall growth and development of your project. Learn more

Inactivity window

The period following the last activity after which MyTracker can reattribute the user by identifying the ad that has brought them back to your app. Learn more


An Install event is logged when a user first installs and launches an app with an embedded MyTracker SDK.

An Install event occurs regardless of whether a Launch has followed. But if the user never launches the app, the SDK will not be able to send the install data to the server. Hence, MyTracker will not log the install


Activation of a mobile app or website.

For a mobile app, a launch is considered a new one if the app has been inactive on a device for 30 seconds (by default). For example, it happens when the app is launched 30 seconds after the phone was locked or the app went into the background mode

For a website, a new launch is a view when more than 30 minutes have passed since the last view.

LT metric

One of the four metric types. LifeTime (LT) metrics represent events that occur during the entire lifetime of devices/users acquired during the report period. LT metrics allow you to view stats on the audience acquired over a certain period and assess the efficiency of related initiatives (ad campaigns, promos, updates, etc.). Learn more

LTV Prediction

Revenue from subscriptions, purchases, and impressions as predicted by machine learning algorithms.

LTV prediction allows you to forecast probable revenue, evaluate the ROI, and determine in advance the quality of traffic sources. Learn more


One of the selector types. These are quantitative indicators, such as registrations, ROI, DAU, and so on. There are two groups:

  • Device metricsd – quantitative data on devices, e.g. installs, attribution, DAUd
  • User metricsu – quantitative data on authorized users, e.g. registration, logins, DAUu
  • Platform user metricsp – quantitative data on users on platforms such as VK Mini Apps. For example, the number of events made by the user in the mini app on the VK Mini Apps platform.
  • Calculated metrics – metrics created by you or your colleagues. These are any metrics calculated based on standard MyTracker metrics.

See also Metric type

Metric type

Metrics grouped by analyzed audience and attribution period. There are four metric types:

  • Flow metrics — data for the selected report period
  • LifeTime (LT) metrics — data for the entire lifetime of the audience acquired in the selected report period
  • Current Attribution (CA) metrics — data for the selected report period within the current attribution
  • Attribution Time (AT) metrics — data for the period between the last and next attributions on the devices attributed during the selected report period

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New device

A device for which an event such as installation or website visit has been logged for the first time

New user

A user who first appeared in the project. Learn more


A visit to a page linked to the web counter Learn more


A third-party service that you're working with to develop the project. It could be advertising networks, monetization platforms, analytics systems, etc. Learn more

Payment verification

The process of checking payment transactions on the App Store and Google Play servers. Verification guarantees 100% data reliability and protects your data from being distorted by fraud schemes. Learn more

Post click

An attribution type indicating that new users have come after clicking an ad. Learn more

Post view

An attribution type indicating that new users have come after viewing an ad. Learn more


A way to inform your partner about app events (installs, re-engagements, payments, etc.). Learn more

Postback macros

Special variables used in postback templates. A macro is automatically replaced with specific values before the data is sent to your partner.

You can use postback macros to send event or tracking link params, user info, and so on. Learn more


A user account in MyTracker (the login and password to access the platform)


A group of apps. MyTracker allows you to add multiple apps (e.g. the same app on different operating systems/in different application stores; co-branded apps) to a single project, which gives you high-level control over tracking settings and the ability to run multi-channel ad campaigns, as well as do summary analysis of tracked data Learn more


The attribution of a re-install (or a re-engagement). Reattribution allows you to identify the campaigns, to push notifications or mass mailings, that brought users back to your app. Learn more


Activity that involves a registration, authorization, launch, in-app impression, or payment after being inactive during the Inactivity window (30 days by default)


A re-install means that a user installed an app again after removing it and being passive during Inactivity window (30 days by default)


The share of new users that returned to a project after a certain period. These are the users who installed the app or visited the website during the report period and were active in a later specified period (h — hours, d — days, w — weeks, m — months).

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Rolling Retention

The share of new users that returned to a project after a certain period or later. These are the users who installed the app or visited the website during the report period and were active after a specified period (mins — minutes, h — hours, d — days, w — weeks, m — months) or later.

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A data processing method to build large user paths diagrams. Provides a general idea of the total data amount based on the sample analysis. The larger the sampling percentage, the more accurate the results.

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The software development kit (SDK) is a programming library that can be integrated into an app. Install the MyTracker SDK to track app performance and use its attribution and data analytics tools.

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A group of users according to your parameters. For example, you can select those who have brought in the most revenue or signed up using an old iPhone. Learn more


An indicator used in reports and exported data to evaluate app quality, efficiency of ad campaigns, and so on. Selectors can represent:

  • metrics — quantitative indicators (installs, ROI, DAU, etc.)
  • dimensions — indicators for data breakdowns (device model, country, partner, etc.)

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A time interval during which a user continues to interact with a website or mobile app. MyTracker logs the session after the user ends the session and starts a new one.

For mobile apps, the session starts with the launch and stops when the application goes to the background for more than 30 seconds. You can change this interval by configuring the LaunchTimeout parameter of MyTracker SDK.

For websites, the session starts with a site visit and stops when more than 30 minutes have passed since the last activity. You can change this interval through the session timeout setting.

For games on the VK Play platform, the session starts with the game launch and stops when a user exits the game.


An additional parameter to segment your traffic. It could be the name of an ad set, a web search query, or any other information from your partner.

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Target URL

An app’s URL to which users will be redirected after clicking your ad (can be a page in an application store, landing page, internal content, etc.)

A MyTracker attribution link. Once embedded in an ad, a tracking link will redirect users to the target URL of your app, and MyTracker will recognise a click or an impression.

There are two types of tracking links:

  • Regular links (supporting one app only).
  • Smart links (supporting multiple apps and redirecting users to the relevant platform (iOS, Web, etc.)

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Special variables used in the tracking link templates. A partner replaces the macro with specific content before generating the final URL for a user.

For example, you can get a click identifier, place and format of the advertisement. Learn more


An individual using your mobile or web app. Learn more
MyTracker defines users with the following identifiers:

  • customUserId is an identifier passed via the SDK. It identifies an individual user.
  • idProjectUser is an identifier of a user within a project (a project user), generated by MyTracker automatically. It identifies a project + user pair (idProject + customUserId).

In some contexts, a User means a MyTracker user.

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