
SKAdNetwork attribution

SKAdNetwork (SKAN) is an Apple framework that allows you to attribute an app install to a specific ad campaign without IDFA while maintaining user privacy. Since iOS 14.5, when users disallow IDFA tracking, SKAdNetwork remains the only way to get information about the traffic source.

MyTracker supports SKAdNetwork:

  • automatic conversion registration for SKAdNetwork
  • accepting SKAN postbacks from Apple
  • accepting SKAN postbacks from ad networks and collecting aggregate data from Self-Reporting Networks (SRN)
  • SKAN data granularity at the level of partners, ad campaigns, and conversion value
  • uploading raw data via API

How it works

  1. The user clicks on the ad, installs, and runs the app for the first time. The MyTracker SDK built into the app calls SKAdNetwork to register the conversion.
  2. SKAdNetwork registers the conversion and tracks the conversion value over the next 24 hours. Then, before sending the winning postback, it triggers an additional random timer (0 to 24 hours),
  3. SKAdNetwork sends the postback to the attributed ad network and a copy directly to MyTracker (or to the app developer, who forwards the postback to MyTracker).
  4. MyTracker enhances Apple data with information from ad networks and provides detailed stats on SKAdNetwork conversions.


Along with the install postback, Apple offers to transmit conversion values. This is a number between 0 and 63 that can be tracked for each conversion. The value provides additional information about the user's behavior and allows you to evaluate the ad campaign results.

The ad network or the app determines the meaning of the numbers 0-63. For example, it can be the amount of payment or level-up in the game.

For more details, refer to the Conversion value section

Receiving SKAN postbacks

MyTracker can receive SKAN postbacks from ad networks and directly from Apple. We recommend supporting all postbacks to get the complete picture of the SKAdNetwork data.

The direct Apple postbacks only contain raw SKAdNetwork information, whereas ad network postbacks contain additional data on campaigns.

To support the SKAN postback reception:

  1. Verify your application in MyTracker. For details, refer to the Application verification section.
  2. Check that the MyTracker SDK version 2.1.2 or higher is built into your app.
  3. Make sure that MyTracker accepts data from your ad network:
    • the network is listed as an integrated SKAN partner in MyTracker
    • if this is an SRN, your MyTracker account must be connected to an account in the network's system
  4. Configure your app to receive SKAN postbacks from Apple. You can use the MyTracker domain as an endpoint URL or your own domain and send data to MyTracker by proxying. For details, refer to the SKAN postbacks from Apple section.

You can analyze obtained SKAdNetwork data using special metrics in the Report builder and Export API. For details, refer to the SKAN reports section.

Exporting SKAN postbacks via API

MyTracker provides the ability to upload raw postbacks received from ad networks and Apple. This is information about the ad campaign, conversion value, etc. For details, see the Selectors section, partnerSKANpostbacks and appleSKANpostbacks events.

To learn how to export SKAdNetwork postbacks, see the Export API > Raw data section

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