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Purchase tracking

You can monetize the app with purchases. It’s a one-time purchase, characterizing a user’s active interest, for example, the purchase of virtual currency, levels in the game, or bonuses.

MyTracker helps you assess the efficiency of the IAP (In-app Purchase) model and optimize your solution:

  • provides data on user activity;
  • shows which product is more popular;
  • tracks conversion to a paying audience;
  • calculates total and average revenue per user, etc.

Track data

MyTracker purchases include:

  • In-app payment — purchase of game currency, audiobook, etc.
  • Buy game — game purchase on the VK Play platform.
  • VK Play in-app payment — in-app purchase on the VK Play platform.

Mobile in-app payments

To collect data on purchases made through Google Play and App Store:

  1. Configure MyTracker SDK to track payments:
    • just install MyTracker SDK into the iOS, Flutter, React Native app, and payments will be automatically tracked;
    • use special API methods for Android and Unity Android. See the sections about Android and Unity SDK.
  2. Set up payment verification to check transactions on Google Play and App Store side.

Payments from other stores you can upload via the S2S API as a custom revenue

VK Play purchases

MyTracker automatically collects data about VK Play in-app payments and game purchases. To do this, connect your game to MyTracker through the developer portal in VK Play. To learn more, see the Connecting account section.

Analyze data

MyTracker provides several ways to analyze and process data: Reports, Builder, templates, and Export API.

To analyze in-app payments, use metrics by device (d) and by user (u), and for payments on the VK Play platform, use metrics by platform users (p).


Select the menu Reports → Monetization to see the share of purchases in total revenue and compare ARPU calculations on purchases and subscriptions.


Select the Analytics → Builder menu to pick up the metrics and dimensions you need.

For example, create a report by Purchase type and Revenue dimensions to see which one brings in more revenue.


Through the menu Analytics → Templates, select Financial statement or Financial statement by traffic source and set the Other filters → Financial metrics → Revenue type → Purchases.


Use API to export raw data and reports without a web interface. For information, refer to the Export API section

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