The list of selectors depends on the selected event and type of audience by which you need to export data: devices, users, platform users, other.
Available events:
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttr | Partner identifier for previous attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttrTitle | Partner title for previous attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
instanceId | Identifier for S2S |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdMediator | App monetization service identifier. Available values in the Ad mediators dictionary. |
idAdMediatorTitle | App monetization service title. Available values in the Ad mediators dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idCurrency ? | Currency identifier |
idCurrencyCode ? | Currency code |
idCurrencyTitle ? | Currency title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttr | Partner identifier for previous attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttrTitle | Partner title for previous attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProduct ? | Product identifier |
idProductTitle ? |
Product title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
instanceId | Identifier for S2S |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
isVerified ? | Status of transaction verification. Available values in the Verification dictionary. |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
sumApp * | Sum of payment in the app currency |
sumEur * | Sum of payment in euros |
sumRub * | Sum of payment in roubles |
sumSrc * | Sum of payment in source currency |
sumUsd * | Sum of payment in dollars |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionOld ? | Identifier of the old version application |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttr | Partner identifier for previous attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttrTitle | Partner title for previous attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
instanceId | Identifier for S2S |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
adNetworkId | The advertising network’s identifier in SKAdNetwork |
appId | The identifier of the advertised app |
attributionSignature | Apple’s attribution signature used for postback verification |
campaignId | The advertising campaign identifier in SKAdNetwork |
conversionValue | Conversion value (integer in the range 0 to 63) determined by the ad network or the app |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
fidelityType | A value of 0 indicates a view-through ad presentation; a value of 1 indicates a StoreKit-rendered ad. For more information, see Receiving Ad Attributions and Postbacks |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTransaction | Transaction identifier |
method | The method the ad network uses to send postbacks |
redownload | A Boolean flag showing the customer redownloaded and reinstalled the app when the value is true |
skAdNetworkVersion | The SKAdNetwork version. For more information about versions, see SKAdNetwork Release Notes |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
countCustomEvent | Number of custom events |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
eventName ? | Event name |
eventValue | Event value |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttr | Partner identifier for previous attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttrTitle | Partner title for previous attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
instanceId | Identifier for S2S |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier | |
List of parameter names in format "['param1','param2\n with line break','param3 with special characters\'\\"",' ]" |
params.value |
List of parameter values in format "['value1','value2\n with line break','value3 with special characters\'\\"",']" |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
deeplink ? | Deep link line |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttr | Partner identifier for previous attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttrTitle | Partner title for previous attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
instanceId | Identifier for S2S |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttr | Partner identifier for previous attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttrTitle | Partner title for previous attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttr | Partner identifier for previous attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttrTitle | Partner title for previous attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
hitUrlHost | Host of the pageview |
hitUrlPath | URL of the pageview |
hitUrlQuery | URL query of the pageview |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttr | Partner identifier for previous attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttrTitle | Partner title for previous attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
isLaunch | Is launch (first pageview in session) |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
androidReferrer ? | The "referrer" parameter value in link to Google Play |
androidReferrerTsClick ? | Time of the click in timestamp format, according to Google Play |
androidReferrerTsInstallBegin ? | Time of the start install in timestamp format, according to Google Play |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
instanceId | Identifier for S2S |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
tsClick | Click time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsView | Impression time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
tsClick | Click time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsView | Impression time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
adNetworkCampaignId | The identifier of the advertising network’s campaign |
adNetworkCampaignName | The name of the advertising network’s campaign |
adNetworkId | The advertising network’s identifier in SKAdNetwork |
adNetworkSourceAppId | Assigned in the advertising network, the item identifier of the app that displayed the ad |
appId | The identifier of the advertised app |
attributionSignature | Apple’s attribution signature used for postback verification |
campaignId | The advertising campaign identifier in SKAdNetwork |
conversionValue | Conversion value (integer in the range 0 to 63) determined by the ad network or the app |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
fidelityType | A value of 0 indicates a view-through ad presentation; a value of 1 indicates a StoreKit-rendered ad. For more information, see Receiving Ad Attributions and Postbacks |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTransaction | Transaction identifier |
method | The method the ad network uses to send postbacks |
redownload | A Boolean flag showing the customer redownloaded and reinstalled the app when the value is true |
skAdNetworkVersion | The SKAdNetwork version. For more information about versions, see SKAdNetwork Release Notes |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idCurrency ? | Currency identifier |
idCurrencyCode ? | Currency code |
idCurrencyTitle ? | Currency title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttr | Partner identifier for previous attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttrTitle | Partner title for previous attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProduct ? | Product identifier |
idProductTitle ? |
Product title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idPurchaseType | Purchase type. Available values in the Purchase types dictionary. |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idTransaction | Transaction identifier |
idTransactionOriginal | Original transaction identifier (for subscriptions) |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
instanceId | Identifier for S2S |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
isVerified ? | Status of transaction verification. Available values in the Verification dictionary. |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
sumApp * | Sum of payment in the app currency |
sumEur * | Sum of payment in euros |
sumRub * | Sum of payment in roubles |
sumSrc * | Sum of payment in source currency |
sumUsd * | Sum of payment in dollars |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdNewAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for new attribution |
idAdNewAttrTitle ? | Tracking link explanation for new attribution |
idAdPrevAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for previous attribution |
idAdPrevAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for previous attribution |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignCreatorNewAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for new attribution |
idCampaignCreatorNewAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for new attribution |
idCampaignCreatorPrevAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for previous attribution |
idCampaignCreatorPrevAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for previous attribution |
idCampaignNewAttr ? | Campaign identifier for new attribution |
idCampaignNewAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for new attribution |
idCampaignPrevAttr ? | Campaign identifier for previous attribution |
idCampaignPrevAttrTitle ? | Campaign title for previous attribution |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerNewAttr | Partner identifier for new attribution |
idPartnerNewAttrTitle | Partner title for new attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttr | Partner identifier for previous attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttrTitle | Partner title for previous attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
instanceId | Identifier for S2S |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub1NewAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for new attribution |
sub1PrevAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for previous attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub2NewAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for new attribution |
sub2PrevAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for previous attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub3NewAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for new attribution |
sub3PrevAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for previous attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub4NewAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for new attribution |
sub4PrevAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for previous attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
sub5NewAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for new attribution |
sub5PrevAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for previous attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
androidReferrer ? | The "referrer" parameter value in link to Google Play |
androidReferrerTsClick ? | Time of the click in timestamp format, according to Google Play |
androidReferrerTsInstallBegin ? | Time of the start install in timestamp format, according to Google Play |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdNewAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for new attribution |
idAdNewAttrTitle ? | Tracking link explanation for new attribution |
idAdPrevAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for previous attribution |
idAdPrevAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for previous attribution |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignCreatorNewAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for new attribution |
idCampaignCreatorNewAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for new attribution |
idCampaignCreatorPrevAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for previous attribution |
idCampaignCreatorPrevAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for previous attribution |
idCampaignNewAttr ? | Campaign identifier for new attribution |
idCampaignNewAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for new attribution |
idCampaignPrevAttr ? | Campaign identifier for previous attribution |
idCampaignPrevAttrTitle ? | Campaign title for previous attribution |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerNewAttr | Partner identifier for new attribution |
idPartnerNewAttrTitle | Partner title for new attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttr | Partner identifier for previous attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttrTitle | Partner title for previous attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
instanceId | Identifier for S2S |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub1NewAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for new attribution |
sub1PrevAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for previous attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub2NewAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for new attribution |
sub2PrevAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for previous attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub3NewAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for new attribution |
sub3PrevAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for previous attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub4NewAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for new attribution |
sub4PrevAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for previous attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
sub5NewAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for new attribution |
sub5PrevAttr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for previous attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
duration | Session duration. The value -1 defines a broken session, the duration of which is unknown |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttr | Partner identifier for previous attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttrTitle | Partner title for previous attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
instanceId | Identifier for S2S |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idCurrency ? | Currency identifier |
idCurrencyCode ? | Currency code |
idCurrencyTitle ? | Currency title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttr | Partner identifier for previous attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttrTitle | Partner title for previous attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProduct ? | Product identifier |
idProductTitle ? |
Product title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idPurchaseType | Purchase type. Available values in the Purchase types dictionary. |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idTransaction | Transaction identifier |
idTransactionOriginal | Original transaction identifier (for subscriptions) |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
instanceId | Identifier for S2S |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
isVerified ? | Status of transaction verification. Available values in the Verification dictionary. |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
sumApp * | Sum of payment in the app currency |
sumEur * | Sum of payment in euros |
sumRub * | Sum of payment in roubles |
sumSrc * | Sum of payment in source currency |
sumUsd * | Sum of payment in dollars |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idCurrency ? | Currency identifier |
idCurrencyCode ? | Currency code |
idCurrencyTitle ? | Currency title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttr | Partner identifier for previous attribution |
idPartnerPrevAttrTitle | Partner title for previous attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProduct ? | Product identifier |
idProductTitle ? |
Product title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idProfile | Device identifier in the app. It defines a pair of app+device (idApp+idDevice). |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idPurchaseType | Purchase type. Available values in the Purchase types dictionary. |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idTransaction | Transaction identifier |
idTransactionOriginal | Original transaction identifier (for subscriptions) |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
instanceId | Identifier for S2S |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
isVerified ? | Status of transaction verification. Available values in the Verification dictionary. |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
sumApp * | Sum of payment in the app currency |
sumEur * | Sum of payment in euros |
sumRub * | Sum of payment in roubles |
sumSrc * | Sum of payment in source currency |
sumUsd * | Sum of payment in dollars |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idProjectUser | User identifier in the project. It defines a pair of project+user (idProject + customUserId). |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
instanceId | Identifier for S2S |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idProjectUser | User identifier in the project. It defines a pair of project+user (idProject + customUserId). |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle ? | SDK version title |
idTrafficType | Traffic type identifier |
idTrafficTypeTitle | Traffic type title |
idfa | iOS advertising identifier |
instanceId | Identifier for S2S |
iosVendorId | iOS vendor identifier |
oaid | Huawei advertising identifier |
rooted ? | Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
rootedTitle ? | Value explanation for Root/Jailbreak status. Available values in the Root/Jailbreak dictionary. |
screenDiagonal | Screen diagonal |
screenHeight | Screen height |
screenWidth | Screen width |
sub1 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 |
sub1Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 1 for current attribution |
sub2 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 |
sub2Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 2 for current attribution |
sub3 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 |
sub3Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 3 for current attribution |
sub4 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 |
sub4Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 4 for current attribution |
sub5 ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 |
sub5Attr ? | Explanation for additional identifier 5 for current attribution |
subAdSet ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier |
subAdSetAttr ? | Explanation for additional ad set identifier for current attribution |
subCampaign ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier |
subCampaignAttr ? | Explanation for additional campaign identifier for current attribution |
subCreative ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier |
subCreativeAttr ? | Explanation for additional creative identifier for current attribution |
subMedium ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier |
subMediumAttr ? | Explanation for additional traffic type identifier for current attribution |
subNetwork ? | Explanation for additional network identifier |
subNetworkAttr ? | Explanation for additional network identifier for current attribution |
tsAttr | Attribution time in timestamp format |
tsEvent | Event time in timestamp format |
tsInsert | Time when the record appears in the storage |
tsInstall | Installation time in timestamp format |
waid | Windows advertising identifier |
xdpi | X dots per inch |
ydpi | Y dots per inch |
Selector | Description |
SDKKey * | App key, embedded in SDK (SDK_KEY), is issued after adding the application |
adTrackingEnabled * ? | State of tracking switch |
advertisingId | Android advertising identifier (GAID) |
androidId * | Android identifier |
attStatus ? | ATT Status |
bluetoothEnabled * ? | Status of Bluetooth device |
customUserId | User identifier sent via SDK. It defines individual user. |
dpi | Dots per inch |
dtEvent | Event date. Use the timezone parameter to change the default timezone. Default timezone Europe/Moscow. |
idAccount ? | Account identifier in MyTracker |
idAd ? | Tracing link identifier |
idAdAttr ? | Tracking link identifier for current attribution |
idAdAttrTitle ? | Tracking link for current attribution |
idAdEventType | Type of advertising interaction that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdEventTypeTitle | Explanation for the advertising interaction type that led to attribution. Available values in the Attribution type dictionary. |
idAdMediator | App monetization service identifier. Available values in the Ad mediators dictionary. |
idAdMediatorTitle | App monetization service title. Available values in the Ad mediators dictionary. |
idAdTitle ? | Tracing link |
idApp ? | Application identifier in MyTracker |
idAppStore ? | Install service identifier |
idAppStoreTitle ? |
Install service. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idAppTitle ? | Application title in MyTracker |
idAppVersion ? | Application version identifier |
idAppVersionTitle ? | Application version |
idCampaign ? | Campaign identifier |
idCampaignAttr ? | Campaign identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignAttrTitle ? | Campaign name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreator ? | Campaign creator identifier |
idCampaignCreatorAttr ? | Campaign creator identifier for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorAttrName ? | Campaign creator name for current attribution |
idCampaignCreatorName ? | Campaign creator name identifier |
idCampaignTitle ? | Campaign title |
idConnectionType ? | Connection type identifier |
idConnectionTypeTitle ? | Connection type title |
idCountry ? | Country identifier |
idCountryISOAlpha2 ? | Country code (ISO alpha-2) |
idCountryISONumeric ? | Country code (ISO numeric) |
idCountryTitle ? | Country title |
idCurrency ? | Currency identifier |
idCurrencyCode ? | Currency code |
idCurrencyTitle ? | Currency title |
idDevice | Identifier of the individual device. It defines the physical device (browser for web applications) |
idDeviceModel | Device model identifier |
idDeviceModelTitle |
Device model title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idManufacturer | Manufacturer identifier |
idManufacturerTitle |
Manufacturer title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idMobileManufacturerBrand ? | Manufacturer identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerBrandTitle ? | Manufacturer title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDevice ? | Device model identifier in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileManufacturerDeviceTitle ? | Device model title in the MyTracker dictionary |
idMobileOperatorCurrent ? | Current mobile operator identifier |
idMobileOperatorCurrentTitle ? | Title of current mobile operator |
idMobileOperatorSim ? | Mobile operator identifier of SIM card |
idMobileOperatorSimTitle ? | Name of mobile operator of SIM card |
idOs | Operating system identifier |
idOsLang ? | OS language identifier |
idOsLangTitle ? |
OS language. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTimezone ? | OS timezone identifier |
idOsTimezoneTitle ? |
OS timezone title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idOsTitle | Operating system title |
idOsVersion | OS version identifier |
idOsVersionTitle ? | OS version |
idPartner | Partner identifier |
idPartnerAttr | Partner identifier for current attribution |
idPartnerAttrTitle | Partner title for current attribution |
idPartnerTitle | Partner title |
idPlatform ? | Platform identifier |
idPlatformTitle ? | Platform title |
idProduct ? | Product identifier |
idProductTitle ? |
Product title. Increases the download time of raw data. |
idProject ? | Project identifier in MyTracker |
idProjectTitle ? | Project title in MyTracker |
idProjectUser | User identifier in the project. It defines a pair of project+user (idProject + customUserId). |
idRegion ? | Region identifier |
idRegionLow ? | Low region identifier |
idRegionLowTitle ? | Low region title |
idRegionTitle ? | Region title |
idTrackerSdkVersion ? | SDK version identifier |
idTrackerSdkVersionTitle |