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Ad campaigns, whether promotion banner, newsletter, and a booklet with QR code are aimed at user acquisition and greater profits. Successful of the campaign depends on good traffic, which you can control with MyTracker campaigns.

With campaigns you can add:

  • Tracking links for counting impressions and clicks, identifying conversion, and evaluation user quality.
  • Postbacks for sending data to an ad partner.
  • Tariffs for calculating the campaign cost and ROI.
  • Corrections for tariff adjustment.

Postbacks and Tariffs are not yet available for VK Mini Apps campaigns. Learn more

Our status indicator makes link activity monitoring a simple job.

  • Active means that within the last 24 hours the relevant campaign generated post click or post view conversions, such as impressions, clicks, installs, re-installs, first site visit, or re-engagements.
  • Not active means that none of the above took place over the last 24 hours, and it may be time to reconsider your tariffs or partner.
  • No data means that MyTracker has not received data from a campaign yet.

Add campaign

  1. In the campaign list click Add.
  2. You can use a ready campaign as a basis and duplicate it

  3. Fill out the form:
    • Account * — new campaign will be added to selected account. This list consist from all accounts in which user has access to add/modify campaigns. If the user has only one account it would be set by default.
    • Title * — campaign name that will be shown in all future reports. We recommend using standard names to easy work with a long campaign list.
      For example — VK Ads + myTarget_CPI_50,00_myApp_Android_10/2018.
    • Campaign type * — promotion strategy:
      • Regular — when your ads are shown in the search results or on the Display Network
      • Pre-install — if your app is installed on devices by the manufacturer or a retailer
      • VK Mini Apps — campaign to engage users to your app on VK Mini Apps
      • VK Play — campaign to engage users to your game on VK Play
      The selected type will determine the next steps to create a tracking link. As a result, you will be able to assess the effectiveness of each promotion method.
    • Partner * — the company who is executing the ad campaign. Leave the No partner value if the campaign is running without a partner (mailing, social media blogs, etc.).
    • Traffic type — an additional field defining channel/method of user acquisition, for example: Paid traffic, Organic, Cross Promo or TV advertising. It helps to group similar campaigns in reports and clearly evaluate profit and cost of each channel. For details see the section Traffic type.
    • Description — a brief description of the campaign.

    * — required fields.

  4. Click Add.

After an ad campaign is created, tracking links must be set up. You will be able to track conversion of the ads, newsletters, and QR codes.

Campaign generation

Advertising campaigns in MyTracker can be created automatically as a result of integration with partners or based on UTM tags.

If you are connected with Petal Ads, VK Ads + myTarget or Yandex Direct, campaigns and tracking links will be uploaded to MyTracker automatically.

If you use UTM tags to track web traffic, the campaign will be generated based on the passed data: campaign name, partner, and traffic type. For details, refer to the UTM tracking section.

Duplicate campaigns

Create a new campaign with the same account, partner, and traffic type settings by duplicating. Use the duplicate links feature to create a duplicate campaign along with a tracking link.

To duplicate a campaign, you can use one of the following ways:

  • In the campaigns list, expand the list of actions and click .
  • On the selected campaign view page, click Duplicate campaign.

The form will be filled out automatically, but you can change the name, partner, traffic type. By default, the campaign name will contain the word "Duplicate".

Campaigns archive

If a campaign is not used or has been created by mistake, it may be archived. Archiving does not affect the data collection process and comes in handy when you have numerous links. Archived campaigns are labelled with the Archived icon and removed from all MyTracker lists. Tracking links related to the campaign will not be archived, and MyTracker will continue to collect their data.

To move a campaign to the archive, click To archive on the view campaign page. If necessary, you can display the archived campaigns by turning on the Show archived toggle and continue working with them.

To restore a campaign from the archive, click Restore on the View project page. The campaign will be displayed again in all MyTracker lists.

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