The encrypted protocol file used to send events to MyTracker. A mobile app developer can decrypt the file and test if the MyTracker SDK is configured correctly in an application and if the following events are being sent properly:
For details, refer to the iOS, Android, Unity, Flutter sections.
This tool is available only for users with the Developer tools permission. For details, refer to the User management section.
To decrypt the file correctly, upload it only to the application, the SDK key of which is contained in the file. If the file is sent from the Android app, it is impossible to decrypt it for the iOS app.
After you uploaded the file to MyTracker, the page with decryption tasks opens. On this page, you can track the decrypting process and receive error messages.
Decrypting process might take up to one minute. To update the decryption status, refresh the page.
Click the icon next to the required task or the filename to view the decryption results. The Decrypted protocol field will display the following parameters:
Compare this list with the list from the task for correct events sending. If the lists match together, that means MyTracker SDK is configured correctly and events are being sent properly.