SKAdNetwork settings allow you to configure to receive and send direct SKAN postbacks from Apple:
Postbacks from Apple contain raw data on conversions made as a result of ad campaigns on iOS 15+ devices. MyTracker allows you to combine this data with information from ad networks and other iOS devices to give you all the data you need to analyze engaged audience.
For more information about Apple's privacy policy and MyTracker solutions see the iOS & SKAdNetwork section
Verify you application in MyTracker to start accepting SKAN Postbacks. If the application is not verified, this parameter will be disabled, and MyTracker can not accept SKAdNetwork data.
For more information on how to vetify your application, see the Application verification section
The MyTracker domain for receiving SKAN signals from Apple is selected automatically after you add the iOS app.
You can use this domain to receive direct SKAN signals from Apple, or use your own domain, by configuring data transfer to MyTracker.
For more information on how to support the reception SKAN postbacks from Apple, see the SKAN postbacks from Apple section
The last SKAN postback time is updated each time a SKAN signal is sent to the MyTracker domain. This parameter can be used to confirm that the domain is configured correctly and monitor the receipt of SKAdNetwork data.