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X (Twitter) integration

Integration with X (Twitter) has been suspended from August 1, 2023.

Disabled mobile attribution and stopped collecting data on campaign costs, clicks, and impressions.

Attribution for web applications is still available.

X Ads is a platform to promote projects on X (Twitter). The platform provides more than 20 options to showcase your content and connects you with loyal audiences.

Integration with X (Twitter) allows you to evaluate traffic efficiency: collect data on clicks, impressions, and campaign costs.

X (Twitter) attribution

X belongs to Self-Reporting Networks (SRN), which independently link new users with clicks and impressions on their own traffic and do not use third-party tracking systems.

You can use MyTracker tracking links only for web attribution.

Tracking links (Web)

To track the number of engaged web audience and determine the traffic quality, you can use MyTracker's tracking links:

  1. In MyTracker, create an ad campaign, selecting X (Twitter) as the Partner.
  2. Add tracking links to the campaign.
  3. Share the tracking link with your partner. You can copy Click or Impression URL from the tracking link view page and either send it to your X Ads manager or paste it into your ad by yourself.

For details, refer to the Tracking section

Connecting account

To collect data on campaign costs, clicks, and impressions, connect your MyTracker account to X (Twitter) accounts:

  1. Sign in to X Ads.
  2. In MyTracker, open the integration page.
  3. Select a MyTracker account containing apps you need.
  4. Click Link X (Twitter) account. If MyTracker does not yet have access to your X account, you will be redirected to the X server, where you will need to click Authorize app.
    After some time, your X account with the sync status indicator will be displayed on the integration page. Account stats will appear within 24 hours.

You can link multiple X (Twitter) accounts. To do so, sign out of one X (Twitter) account, sign in to another, and click on Link X (Twitter) account once again. To disable import, remove the corresponding account from the X integration page.

Collected stats will be related to those MyTracker campaigns whose links are embedded in X ads. If not, the campaign on MyTracker side will be automatically created under the name [ID X campaign]_[X campaign name].

Automatically created campaigns for web application do not contain tracking links, so MyTracker will not be able to link the user’s appearance with a click on X (Twitter) advertising, and all new users will be attributed to the organic. To prevent this, we recommend using tracking links from MyTracker.


After the successful integration, MyTraсker will collect daily data on your active campaigns in X Ads: clicks from partners, impressions, and campaign costs.

To see the X stats:

  1. With Report builder in the Partners filter select X (Twitter).
  2. Add dimensions by a Campaign and Tracking link.
  3. Make sure that Impressions, Clicks from Partner, and Campaign cost appear on the selector list.
  4. With tracking links from MyTracker (for web application) you can see the number of clicks tracked by MyTracker, in addition to the number of clicks according to data from the Partner (Clicks from Partner), as well as add metrics ROI and LTV.

  5. Click Calculate.


If you see no X stats in a MyTracker report:

  • Make sure the MyTracker SDK has been integrated into your app.
  • Make sure that the X (Twitter) integration page displays a successful link (highlighted in green) and the relevant accounts. It is possible that the name you used to link X (Twitter) has no access to the account. Try signing in to X (Twitter) using a different email and repeating the connecting steps (click Link X (Twitter) account in MyTracker once again).
  • Go to X Ads and make sure that the X campaign has been launched and has fetched clicks.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team.

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