MyTracker Personalize is a real-time personalization of the app experience:
individual in-app offers;
the best price for each user;
automatic audience segmentation;
automate performance reporting.
MyTracker Personalize provides a personalized experience for each user,
which means increased NPS, Retention, and Revenue from the app.
Personalize is a ready-to-use solution based on predictive models
and MyTracker analytics tools that do not require you to tape
machine learning experts or product analysts.
How it works
MyTracker Personalize is available for mobile games and apps.
As users interact with your app,
Personalize analyzes their experience
and generates customized product and pricing offers (recommendations)
that are most likely to drive users and grow your app's revenue.
The creation of recommendations takes place in several stages:
Gathering the data.
The embedded SDK collects data on your app.
The more information it has, the more effective the recommendations are.
It is mandatory to keep track of such events
as the beginning and end of an offer,
offer review, and purchase.
Based on the data collected,
MyTracker performs A/B testing to find the best recommendations.
The app owner chooses the products, prices, and the user group
for which they would like to use the recommendations.
Building recommendations.
The app can send a recommendation request
to the Personalize API as soon as the user launches the app.
Personalize will automatically detect a new and old user
and provides a combination of items and prices at which a purchase is most likely to be made.
Item and Set recommendations
Personalize has two recommendations methods:
item — recommendations for an offer, including a single item.
For example, a t-shirt in a clothing store or a gold sword in a game.
set — recommendations for an offer, including a set of items to choose from.
For example, a t-shirt, shoes, or watch in a clothing store,
or in-game currency in different denominations of 100, 200, or 300 diamonds.
For example, the picture below shows the recommended item (a star)
and set of items (in-game currency).